Ever wonder what the Internet Of Things’ purpose is? Why Bill Gates wants even your toaster and Roomba to spy on you? Why your shopping behavior is so important to “advertisers” that they steal those records before, during and after all those suspiciously one-sided updates to your “terms and conditions of service?”
The reason, per this Department Of Defense’s former employee, is “Human Geography”. Not to be confused with DoD’s previous attempts at lying to all the people, all of the time.
Human Geography Is Mission-Critical
h ttps://warontherocks.com/2024/10/human-geography-is-mission-critical/
By Judd Devermont, 18 October 2024
The tagline of Warontherocks.com is “National Security. For insiders. By insiders.” which sounds about right. It’s painfully obvious that We the People do not have a say in “our” national security.
More than 10 years ago, former Army Chief of Staff Gen. Raymond Odierno, former Marine Corps Commandant Gen. James Amos, and former Commander of U.S. Special Operations Command Adm. William McRaven observed that “conflict and competition are about people.” As a result “influencing these people—be they heads of state, tribal elders, and militaries and their leaders, or even an entire population—remains essential to securing U.S. interests.”
Um… no. The purpose of a military is to occupy territory and break stuff. The source of conflict is some common denominator of greed & vendetta. It’s not about getting people to like you. Just look at the hearts and minds of the Iraqi survivors of Bush Wars I & II! Nobody makes friends and influences people via death and destruction.
Three military leaders claiming that manipulating the influencers of a society is essential to securing U.S. interests, is Regime Change Newspeak. Anybody care to guess how close those three flags officers are to the D.C. Swamp’s ((inner circle))?
h ttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_H._McRaven
McRaven was from a military family and spent his early days in the SEALs, originally Team Six until CDR Richard Marcinko fired him for being as much of a martinet as Marcinko was a loose cannon. Despite that, he rose to the top of Special Operations Command.
McRaven is credited for organizing and overseeing the execution of Operation Neptune's Spear, the special ops raid that led to the killing of Osama bin Laden on May 2, 2011. CIA Director Leon Panetta delegated operational and execution decisions on the raid to McRaven, who had worked almost exclusively on counter-terrorism operations and strategy since 2001.
Yeah, that’s pretty deep. Panetta is both a former CIA director and Nancy Pelosi-level “family connected”.
The Trump campaign transition team considered McRaven as a potential candidate for National Security Adviser.
McRaven joined the board of the multinational ConocoPhillips, effective October 2018.
In 2022, McRaven joined the board of Palantir Technologies.
The Trump campaign transition team considered McRaven as a potential candidate for National Security Adviser.
Later, in July 2024, McRaven was reportedly considered by the Kamala Harris campaign as a potential running mate.
He doesn’t work both sides of the street because he’s nonpartisan. He’s inner circle, so both public-facing sides of Clown World had to work with him.
As for Commandant James Amos, history will remember him as the traitor who first packed the U.S. Marine Corps’ ranks with open homosexuals and other Diversity.
General Odierno was heavily involved in the Iraq Wars. More interestingly and relevant to this article, however, he was also the final commander of United States Joint Forces Command until its disestablishment in August 2011.
h ttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Joint_Forces_Command
USJFCOM was formed in 1999 when the old United States Atlantic Command was renamed and given a new mission: leading the transformation of the Department of Defense through experimentation and education.
Sounds vaguely ominous, and the timing makes one think of how the DoD got “transformed” after a certain major incident just a couple years later…
US Joint Forces command was in charge of the theater surrounding Washington, DC and New York during the 9/11 attacks.
So it wasn’t just Israel behind 9/11. It was also USJFC, commanded at the time by Gen. William F. Kernan, also at the time of 9/11 Supreme Allied Commander (Atlantic) of NATO. He was best known for leading Operation Just Cause, a particularly dirty CIA op if I remember correctly.
*checks* Yes, Just Cause was a regime-change operation, the Regime’s favorite behavior… but today, with the advent of Twitter, regime-changing is now done online via deniable assets, not via the 101st Airborne.
Before I return to the main article, let me say that General Jim Mattis, President Trump’s pick for DecDef, was commanding officer of USJFC from 2007 to 2010 “and concurrently served as NATO's Supreme Allied Commander Transformation”. Curious that at least two of JFC’s commanders were NATO bigwigs at the same time. Mattis left the Trump White House after repeatedly opposing Trump’s pro-Zionist agenda in Syria & Iran.
End segue
This is the promise and potential of human geography. It fulfills a critical national security imperative, delivering decision advantage to policymakers who must get ahead of the curve to protect U.S. interests at home and aboard. It has the predictive power to answer the most urgent questions, such as whether a population has the will to fight or how a partner country’s geopolitical allegiances may be shifting.
That’s not any military talking. Militaries do not stick their finger in the political winds to decide how best to fight. THEY GO FIGHT.
Moreover, it is a vast improvement over existing analytic frameworks that have consistently failed to make sense of an increasingly complex, contested, and chaotic world. It is well-documented that in mid-2021, U.S. officials were stunned that the Afghanistan government collapsed so quickly in the face of a Taliban offensive, and in early 2022, U.S. intelligence leaders underestimated Ukraine’s ability to defend itself against Russia’s invasion. It has become a familiar experience. When I served as President Joe Biden’s senior director for African affairs at the National Security Council from 2022–2024, we were caught flat-footed by Niger’s pivot to Russia following a coup in July 2023.
Judd Devermont is the fool who lost the entirety of Rothschild’s err, France’s African colonies to Wagner Group? How is he still alive? *checks* Not French. That surely helped. He was CIA, CSIS, and looking at his face, I bet he ((likes Star Trek)).
So, FedGov has been working on influencing hearts and minds since just before 9/11 conveniently happened for them, but they proceeded to rack up the most spectacular failures EVER! What now, homes? Huh?
The answer to successfully navigating this new world is to fundamentally shift our lens and employ new tools.
Pivot pivot pivot
We can neither continue to prioritize winning hearts and minds nor can we return to counting satellites, missiles, and pro-Western proxies as we did during the Cold War. In the current environment, where there is a heated competition with U.S. adversaries, we need to train our focus on behaviors and attitudes informed by human geography: What do people believe, when do beliefs change, and how does it catalyze action?
“How do we best take a shit in your soul?”
Devermont is almost certainly a narcissist. I know the answers to the questions he asks, because I am a normal human being. He, apparently, is not. He struggles to understand what makes people tick, and how he can know enough to poison us against the people he doesn’t like.
The New Human Geography
Understanding human geography is mission-critical. It reveals what people look like, what they think, and how they behave. It enables one to interpret human behaviors and attitudes over space and time, as well as delineate physical, political, and cultural borders.
I expected him to say “predict”, but he said “interpret”.
I serve on the board of Fraym, a human geography data provider, and my employer has a direct financial interest in the company’s success. Based on my experience, I am eager to make the case for our work, which marries human geography concepts with cutting-edge geospatial technologies.
Ahh, this is a sales pitch. Fraym is just a Big Data corporation. It collects lots of info on as many people as possible, then sells the info to “entities who can benefit”. However, as Judd helpfully described at the beginning… and will again at the end… not to mention his own association with Fraym… the real purpose is Five Eyes manipulating humanity at the individual level. To do what humans do not naturally want to do.
Fraym is also, apparently, Judd’s golden parachute out of his career-ending clusterfuck that some now call “the Sahel Region of Africa”.
Specifically, we use Geographic Information Systems, remote sensing, survey data, and AI/machine learning…
Blah blah SQL database…
…to produce dynamic maps down to the one square kilometer level that deliver insights on critical issues from vaccine hesitancy in Ghana by neighborhood to support for China’s Belt and Road Initiative in different cities in Pakistan.
How could those examples possibly benefit from human geography? The Cabal wants NO vexxine hesitancy, not “where can we most easily vexxinate people”, and China isn’t going to hold up its B&R until a propaganda campaign ensures they’ll be loved for doing so.
This is how the narcissist thinks. Instead of having a self-image, he has a mirror-image. He looks at the world as a mirror and demands it treat him as he wants to be. If normal-human me want to be a honest man, then I keep my word when given and refuse to lie. If a narcissist wants to be an honest man, then he demands other people acknowledge him as honest, and he gets a special excitement if he can brazenly lie AND be told he’s honest.
The hollow soul.
That’s why Judd had huge databases on Africa yet never saw Wagner Group coming. So long as the controlled assets said what he wanted to hear, he thought GAE’s cruelties weren’t causing any long-term effects. “The people are still safely ‘influenced’ by their leaders!”
Human geography is not only distinct from other disciplines, such as economics, political science, and sociology. It is a richer and more objective framework, especially compared to the controversial concept of “human terrain,” which was employed during U.S. operations in Afghanistan and Iraq in the 2000s.
Yet another spectacular failure.
Whereas human terrain analysis, exemplified by the U.S. Army’s Human Terrain System, treated populations as part of the battlefield and deployed graduate-level anthropologists to warzones, human geography incorporates a wider lens. According to Dartmouth University, it focuses on the spatial and environmental processes that shape the lives and activities of people, and their interactions with places and nature.
Like Communism, human geography never works because it’s never been tried. “Our next effort includes Climate Change!”
Human geography is supremely suited for dynamism of today’s global challenges. It is an analytic approach that can reduce the frequency of intelligence failures and strategic surprises, such as Hamas’ terrorist attack against Israel…
Planned by PM Netanyahu. An intelligence success, not failure.
… or Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s resignation in Bangladesh.
h ttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sheikh_Hasina
Except for her husband, children and sister Sheikh Rehana, Hasina's entire family was murdered during the 15 August 1975 Bangladeshi coup d'état which saw the assassination of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Dictator Hasina, Wazed and Rehana were visiting Europe at the time of the assassination. They took refuge in the house of the Bangladeshi ambassador to West Germany; before taking up an offer of political asylum from Prime Minister Indira Gandhi of India.
Sounds like a regime change didn’t go the Global American Empire’s way. In India, Hasina joined the Awami League, an NGO front for NATO.
Hasina was among Time's 100 most influential people in the world in 2018, and was listed as being one of the 100 most powerful women in the world by Forbes in 2015, 2018, and 2022.
Definitely a GAE asset.
During the 2006–2008 political crisis, Hasina was detained on extortion charges. After her release from jail, she won the 2008 election.
DEFINITELY a GAE asset. She won the 2008 Nelson Mandela award for “prison to president via democracy”! (Trump came sooo close to winning the 2024 award…)
In 2014, she was re-elected for a third term in an election that was boycotted by the BNP and criticised by international observers.
She won a fourth and fifth term after the 2018 and 2024 elections, which was marred by violence and widely criticised as being fraudulent.
Hasinas for Harris!
Her second premiership (2009–2024) was marked by economic mismanagement and rampant corruption, leading to rising foreign debt, increasing inflation, youth unemployment and banking irregularities… In 2022, anti-government protests broke out demanding the resignation of Hasina.
In June 2024, fresh student protests erupted throughout the country, demanding the reform of quotas in government jobs. The protests were met with brutal crackdown by law-enforcement agencies and paramilitary forces, resulting in the massacre of students. By August, the protests intensified into a mass uprising against the government, which eventually culminated in the resignation of Hasina and her fleeing to India.
Wow. Imagine how differently that could have happened, if only Hasina could have seen those protests coming!
Or, if Hasina could have assassinated protest leaders before they became troublesome? I bet it was everybody that her government screwed over.
That’s why “Human Geography” will fail with Socialist regularity. The useful part and the “stable society” part are mutually exclusive. The Commies eventually run out of other people to rob, and the Judge Dudds eventually designate everybody-not-his-cronies as a priority target for Cancellation.
End segue
Human geography promises to bring into focus a new map, one that we can use to dispense with dated assumptions about media access and debunk received wisdom about the influence of local political and ethnic leaders. In short, it is a pathway to understand an increasingly unruly world.
More like, a pathway for psychopaths and narcissists to understand a humanity that they aren’t part of and increasingly, doesn’t like them.
In the Philippines, less than a quarter of the population pays attention to the government’s three broadcasters while 98 percent get their news from social media, and more than half use social media as their primary news source. Accordingly, Filipinos have become sophisticated media consumers and more resilient to disinformation, especially from Chinese outlets.
No normal human has trouble understanding that behavior.
Similarly, the world’s youngest populations have become more politically engaged and independent relative to previous generations. Individuals are increasingly adopting positions that defy easy categorization by ethnicity, religion, or regional identity.
To the contrary, it’s pretty dang obvious why people are doing what they’re doing… but what’s a Satanist to do? Admit the truth and find honest work?
The post-Cold War era is over. We are consequently (and rightly) retooling our rhetoric, rewriting doctrine, recruiting new partners, and reallocating our resources to meet new geopolitical and transnational challenges. These efforts should be paired with a commensurate reworking of our analytic and policy frameworks. We cannot redefine our objectives without reexamining our underlying assumptions about the attitudes and perspectives of populations caught in between this competition over what comes next.
History is like a hamster wheel, Judd. What has been will be again. This Babylonian rebellion against God will end, definitively, and its doom won’t come from a John Connor that the algorithms missed. God Himself will end it, because He will not share His glory with another. He will not allow the Judds to pretend that they were defeated by some merely human factor.
Through human geography, it is possible to develop fresh insights about different populations and help U.S. national security leaders anticipate when and how targeted groups will respond to critical threats and opportunities.
Judd apparently got canned for his failure to predict Sahel coming, so now he’s at it again from a sinecure in a venture-capitalist firm. He’s going to get it wrong again, too, because he simply doesn’t understand (or accept) how normal humans behave.
Normal humans don’t want the Godless technocratic New World Order, and we never will. It is literally unnatural. Judd & peers are making entire careers… Big Data… out of trying to identify the “influencers” who will oppose their agenda of such malignant Evil, that it will physically end humanity given the chance.
They will fail for the same reason that atheism always fails: God does not cease to exist just because you stop believing in him. In fact, God had perfect knowledge of everybody yet Satan and humanity rebelled. Clearly, perfect loyalty from others does not come from perfect knowledge of others.
Loyalty is ALWAYS a choice.
Why Bill Gates wants even your toaster and Roomba to spy on you? Why your shopping behavior is so important to “advertisers” that they steal those records before, during and after all those suspiciously one-sided updates to your “terms and conditions of service?”
You know i've been knowing about asimilar stuff like the following way before the ROISSY/MANosphere(or before i knew about the early version of the MGTOWosphere in '03-but not the following as its from '06) yes?:
Police Cameras in Your Home
This is so nutty that I wasn’t even going to blog it. But too many of you are e-mailing the article to me.
Houston’s police chief on Wednesday proposed placing surveillance cameras in apartment complexes, downtown streets, shopping malls and even private homes to fight crime during a shortage of police officers.
“I know a lot of people are concerned about Big Brother, but my response to that is, if you are not doing anything wrong, why should you worry about it?” Chief Harold Hurtt told reporters Wednesday at a regular briefing.
One of the problems we have in the privacy community is that we don’t have a crisp answer to that question. Any suggestions?
Tags: cameras, law enforcement, police, privacy, surveillance
Posted on February 23, 2006 at 1:12 PM • 254 Comments
But update on that from last year too:
HPD's top cop wants 'thousands' of cameras to deter crime, but experts worry it'll do more harm
Nick Natario Image
ByNick Natario KTRK logo
Wednesday, November 29, 2023
HPD's new plan calls for more cameras, but neighbors would foot bill
HPD's new plan calls for more cameras, but neighbors would foot billHouston police's latest initiative to crack down on crime has some privacy concerns about added surveillance and how every homeowner should buy the devices.
HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) -- If criminals knew a camera was on every block, Houston's top cop believes crime would go down, but some experts caution more surveillance may do more harm than good.
If Houston Police Chief Troy Finner had his way, you'd see a lot more cameras around the city.
"I want thousands," Finner said. "Thousands. The more, the better."
Finner's talking about cameras and license plate readers. On Wednesday, he announced a new plan to get more eyes in the sky. He calls it "Project Safe View." It's a plan to get more neighbors and businesses to install the technology.
"If you know that every time that you're doing something, you're going to be on somebody's camera, you're going to think twice about it," Finner explained. "If you are brave enough to do it, we have that footage."
& remember Houston (as when it elected the first openly elected lesbian mayor in the U.S.) is ''Conservative''(so i'd hate to see what less''Conservative'' cities have planned).
"Manipulating Humanity" is terrifying. I am glad that my Father is greater than these people. I was going to die anyway.
I don't see how this can go on much longer, in any case - it is irreversible, I think.