I’m reaching the point in my secret-society studies that while I often can’t prove a theory, it might fit a preestablished pattern extremely well. This both allows me to make connections otherwise impossible, and exposes me to the fate of old Baron Munchausen of manufacturing complete fictions out of dots that should never have been connected. Looking into Andrew Tate’s background brought this issue to the forefront, because either…
1.Tate is a relatively ordinary guy who had lots of girl troubles because he’s popular and likeable.
2.He was Jeffrey Epstein for niggaz.
We start with Andrew Tate’s daddy. Andrew’s full name is Emory Andrew Tate III. Tate-1 was a black rejected by Harvard, who then served in the military and got into Harvard Law on the GI Bill. Here’s Tate-2, an… an… African chess prodigy?!
h ttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emory_Tate
Emory Andrew Tate Jr. (December 27, 1958 – October 17, 2015) was an American chess player who held the title of International Master. He was the father of internet personality Andrew Tate and his brother Tristan.
Early life and education
Mmm, the early-life section of Wikipedia. “Who’s your daddy?” turns out to be a very important and unavoidable question.
Emory Andrew Tate Jr. was born in Chicago, Illinois, on December 27, 1958. He grew up in a family of nine children. His father, Emory Andrew Tate I, was an attorney, and his mother, Emma Cox Tate, ran a truck-leasing business. Tate Jr. learned to play chess as a child. He served in the United States Air Force as a sergeant, where he "excelled as a linguist."
Chicago. And he kept coming back to Chicago over his life. That could align him with either B’Nai B’Rith, and/or the Henrietta Mears crowd that keeps turning up even though… I swear… I don’t go looking for them. I’d just wondered why Andrew Tate was such a big deal that three nations would wait in line for years, to prosecute him for being misogynistic! And then somehow fail!
Tate's highest FIDE rating was 2413 on the October 2006 rating list, which made him the 72nd highest-rated player in the United States and among the top 2000 active players in the world. His peak USCF rating was 2508 on December 30, 1996. He received the International Master title in 2007, after earning his third norm at the 2006 World Open.
His oldest son, Andrew, said: "I never saw him study chess books, ever. He also hated chess computers and never used them. He just sat down and played."
That’s a bad sign. I scoffed immediately at the thought of a Negro chess master… and now I’m told he never even studied? Never cared to read about the game? Never practiced?
Obvious race-mixing does make mental excellence more plausible. Base image sourced from dailymail.co.uk.
Tate earned a reputation as a creative and dangerous tactician on the U.S. chess circuit, where he won about 80 tournament games against grandmasters.
But never was one himself. International master is a rank below. Wikipedia tried a bit too hard to fluff his expertise, methinks.
Tate won the United States Armed Forces Chess Championship five times. He won the Indiana state championship six times (1995, 1996, 2000, 2005, 2006, 2007) and was inducted into the Indiana State Chess Hall of Fame in 2005. He also won the Alabama state championship in 2010.[13] Fellow Air Force veteran and 2003 U.S. Armed Forces Chess Champion Leroy Hill said: "All the players had street names. Emory's was 'Extraterrestrial' because we thought his play was out of this world."
Nickname not credible. The quote was mined from his obituary so maybe Hill was speaking well of the dead. One can imagine other reasons for calling him ‘Extraterrestrial’ such as… spoiler… Tate-2 being canned from Air Force Intelligence for Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
Grandmaster Maurice Ashley described Tate as "a trailblazer for African-American chess".
More credible, because we can read between those lines. Ashley was a Jamaican Grandmaster whose main claim to fame was being an announcer for the famous matchups of Gary Kasparov versus IBM’s Deep Blue in 1996 & 1997. He has strong ties to Harvard and MIT.
To Andrew Tate's conservative fans: Shame on you
h ttps://www.christianpost.com/voices/andrew-tate-masculinity-dysfunctional-father-child-abuse.html
By Jennifer Michelle Greenberg, Op-ed contributor
Shame on you, Christian Post. You drank the woke Kool-Aid after its expiration date. Next time, betray your Christian readers while there’s still bribe money to be accepted, otherwise you’re selling out for free.
Not even Judas was that stupid.
Shock-jock pornographer and self-proclaimed misogynist, Andrew Tate, has gone viral again. Currently under investigation by Romanian and UK law enforcement, Andrew and his brother, Tristan Tate, are accused of human trafficking, rape, and money laundering [but were just allowed to return to USA].
They keep omitting “money laundering”.
The Tate brothers are perhaps most infamous for their sketchy entrepreneurial ventures, including Hustler University and The Real World. Their most recent stunt is The War Room, a secretive online network where the Tate brothers offer participants a “Pimpin’ Hoes Degree” (PhD)…
Not bad. I can use that.
…allegedly teaching them how to groom women into sex work. According to the BBC, members are instructed on how to “romantically seduce, emotionally manipulate and socially isolate women before luring them into performing on webcams — often taking all or most of the money they make.”
Sounds like a standard feminist accusation, but as I reviewed the charges, turns out he actually was holding women against their will in Romania. The authorities sent special police to raid a fortified compound, and found VERY interesting video evidence… but Tate-3 never went to trial. That’s the Jeffrey Epstein pattern of “the wrong authorities got their hands on the hot stuff. Damage control!” rather than the #MeToo pattern of regret rape. Any feminist-driven prosecution would have been wrapped up by the next election cycle, not dragged out until pretrial confinement became unjustifiable.
But I’m getting ahead of myself.
…Who are Andrew and Tristan Tate and why are they the way that they are? A lot of it tracks back to their dysfunctional childhood and narcissistic chess-master dad.
She’s not wrong to look at daddy, but…
Originally from Chicago, Emory Tate married an English woman named Eileen in 1985. They had three children; Andrew, Tristan, and a sister.
…mommy can be interesting, too. They met while Emory was working Russian translation at a military base in England. I didn’t find a pic or background of her, but if Emory was doing Russian intelligence for both USA and UK, then we’re got a high-level spy who loved to prove how smart he was by playing chess.
Why did I suddenly have a flashback to the reboot of Casino Royale?
Andrew and Tristan's father, Emory Tate, was an eccentric and frequently absent parent who his kids describe as an authoritarian and violent disciplinarian.
Black families tend to be casually violent, yes. It’s hard for the more self-disciplined races to perceive whether Tate-3’s was TOO casually violent.
Although another pattern happened, of divorce after 12 years of marriage leaving wifey back in her native England and hubby living in his car. Tate-3 was fatherless for his teenage years. Never a happy pattern.
Emory was fluent in several languages including Spanish and Russian, and served as an intelligence expert in the United States Air Force translating messages and secretly recorded conversations…
However, Emory was also known for telling tall tales and being neurotic and obsessive. Once, he claimed that spies tried to assassinate him by electrocution on an escalator. It's a story family members say might be partly true but is probably made up or embellished. After being diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Emory was discharged from the military.
Tate-2 was probably high up in Western Intelligence. A smart Negro who was also a near-psychopath? AND an expert in Russia Russia Russia? He ticked a lot of boxes!
So, Tate-3.
"Manosphere" Influencer Andrew Tate Loses Civil Case Against U.S. Marine Over Sex Trafficking Claims
h ttps://web.archive.org/web/20240722180515/https://www.miaminewtimes.com/news/federal-judge-tosses-andrew-tates-defamation-case-over-sex-trafficking-claims-18911996
By Izzy Kapnick, 5 February 2024
Social media influencer and self-described misogynist Andrew Tate has lost his defamation case against a U.S. Marine sergeant whose reports of human trafficking led to Tate's arrest in Romania on sex crime charges.
Still omitting money laundering.
A federal judge dismissed Tate's claims against the Marine, ruling that the sergeant was providing "valuable information to help investigative authorities" when he forwarded a woman's allegations of human trafficking against Tate to a U.S. embassy and military officials.
"He did what the legal system encourages people who suspect criminal activity to do — alert authorities with the power to investigate and act," U.S. District Judge Robin Rosenberg wrote in throwing out the case.
Text messages included in court documents show the Florida woman informing the sergeant that "groomers and handlers" enlisted by the Tates were forcing models to stay at the brothers' property. She said she had been at the property for a few days and wanted to leave for London, though she urged the sergeant not to report the alleged crimes.
According to court documents, the sergeant's actions set in motion the investigation that culminated in a raid of Tate's Romanian property, where prosecutors in the Balkan nation say Tate and his younger brother, Tristan, coerced multiple women into making porn on OnlyFans while the duo pocketed a large portion of the revenue.
The sergeant received the messages from the Delray Beach woman in April 2022 while she was staying at the Tates' house in Romania. She had traveled to the Eastern European country to meet up with the Tates and explore work on OnlyFans and the internet modeling industry after meeting Tristan Tate a few months earlier at an event in Miami, according to court documents. (New Times is not publishing the sergeant's and the accusers' names because the judge ordered that their identities remain anonymous in the court file in light of online threats of violence from Andrew Tate's fans.)
Suing one’s accuser for defamation is no red flag, but suing a third party who had reason to believe a crime was being committed, IS a red flag.
The judge noted that the sergeant, a Marine civil reconnaissance specialist on reserve status since 2020, "consulted his supervising officer in the U.S. military for advice and then followed that advice to alert U.S. authorities in Romania." The sergeant was entitled to immunity from the Tate brothers' defamation claims regardless of whether he was acting as a private citizen or under his duties as a military officer, Rosenberg ruled.
Those are Romania’s charges. What are the UK’s charges?
h ttps://news.sky.com/story/what-allegations-are-andrew-and-tristan-tate-facing-13274831
18 December 2024
Andrew and Tristan Tate failed to pay tax on 21m in OnlyFans and other revenue, a judge has declared.
The brothers and another person only referred to as “J” were accused of fraudulently “washing money around UK bank accounts” to dodge tax payments between 2014 and 2022.
YAY! They mentioned money laundering! And during Ukraine-significant years, too.
Hey, doesn’t Romania border Ukraine? Has Romania been suffering a spike in financial organized crime over the last few years? *checks* Dayumn! Never mind, let’s stay on topic.
In May, [the Tates] were also served with High Court proceedings brought by four British women who claim they raped and assaulted them. The brothers deny all the charges against them.
Assets have been seized from four properties linked to the brothers in Bucharest and nearby Ilfov county.
Romanian anti-organized crime agency DIICOT carried out the raids in august when they took 16 luxury vehicles, a motorbike, laptops, luxury watches, and cash.
A picture says more than a thousand words. No innocent man would own such a repulsively expensive sports car! Tate-2 may have been a smart Russian linguist with a race and personality disorder highly sought after by Western intelligence services, but Tate-3 regressed to the Negroid average of a career in martial arts followed by as opulent and jet-setting a thug life as possible.
One source put Tate-3’s net worth over $300m, but he couldn’t have made a tenth that much just from pimping sluts on OnlySimps, legally or not.
I made the case a couple posts back, that Elon Musk was selected to be the world's richest man just because his family history would be a false trail for anybody tracing the history of the Technocracy movement.
Similarly, pattern-matching (which is no form of accusation) indicates that Tate-3 inherited his father’s spy alliances for purposes of money laundering and human trafficking under cover of porn production. Romania does indeed appear to have legitimate cause for their prosecution; the dates and location suggest the corruption operations of Ukraine; and Tate was affiliated with, and protected from prosecution by the Zionists, at least at the end when they arranged a return to ((Miami)) just before USA pulled the plug on 404.
That all fits to Tate-3 being a vibrant version of Epstein. The prosecutions against him were counterintelligence operations when the globalists found out, when the unnamed Air Force sergeant alerted US/Romanian authorities outside the Cabal. Everything since then has been additional exposures or damage control by the Tates. Which explains why no other “misogynist Manospherian” has yet experienced comparable legal troubles.
That hasn’t stopped the feminists from breathing heavily about the opulently wealthy, tribally patriarchal lifestyle of the Tates, but their accusations are the smoke not the fire.
None of the Tate family had any association with Romania until Tate-3 moved there in 2017. Not even the Russian linguist AFAIK.
h ttps://web.archive.org/web/20230116062049/https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/andrew-tate-timeline-hospital-who-b2259552.html
[Andrew] moves to Bucharest, Romania, with Tristan, setting up home in a heavily-fortified suburban compound and claiming the UK has “gone downhill”.
He said the prospect of avoiding rape charges more easily was “probably 40 per cent of the reason” for moving to Central Europe, adding: “I’m not a f***ing rapist, but I like the idea of just being able to do what I want. I like being free.
Just before his move, he made a disastrous appearance on the UK reality show Big Brother. Rape accusers circulated a video of him beating a woman with a belt. The woman herself confirmed it was consensual; regardless, a departure from UK jurisdiction was not unreasonable following such a close call.
“If you’re a man living in England or Germany or America or any of the Western world right now you’ve decided to live in a country where any woman … at any point in the future can destroy your life.”
Tate isn’t wrong about that. However, the contexts of an Intelligence Community father, family history of Chicago & narcissism, personal & racial habits of brutality and mysterious sources of vast wealth in the shadow of Kiev indicate these are not entirely baseless accusations.
One last pattern. Tate-2 died suddenly in 2015, in his 50s, in the middle of a chess match in California. He used the restroom, came back, said “call 911” and dropped. Heart failure. Any other sport, that would mean performance-enhancing drugs, but in Tate’s case, I hope the mortician checked for Polonium. Because you’ll never convince me it was adrenaline shock at a chess game.
I'm pretty sure Tate has said on youtube that his dad was CIA. So what you're saying here about Romania and Ukraine suggests the CIA used Tate to money launder for the Ukraine war.