It’s time we Christians got serious about countering the incoming Noahide Heresy. To start, the Ten Commandments need to be discarded. They represent God’s effort to build a this-world utopia, and the lesson we are supposed to learn from that is that not even God can create a stable, loyal, rules-based society in this reality we inhabit. Not even when He shows up in person to run it Himself!
Controversial Christian nationalist legislation introduced in North Dakota House
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By Caleb Brennan, 7 February 2025
At the start of the new legislative session, a group of North Dakota legislators put forward a potentially unconstitutional resolution that would have the state “acknowledge the Kingship of Jesus Christ.”
“Whereas, the founding fathers of this great state begin the constitution with the words, ‘We’, the people of North Dakota, grateful to Almighty God … We desire there shall be a recognition of Almighty God as the source of authority; of the Lord Jesus Christ as the rightful ruler of nations…” the text for House Concurrent Resolution 3020 reads.
“As the source of authority”, they say. In a document carefully worded to avoid admitting that Jesus is God. Proper legitimacy of government comes from doing government’s job per the book of Romans, namely criminal justice, but rather than punish the thief and liar, North Dakota’s legislature decided that their new source of authority is a king who isn’t around to be a king.
That means King Jesus needs a managerial state that He won’t be holding accountable.
Hmm, I wonder which People will be Chosen for the job of ruling the planet….
Many of these same lawmakers also introduced another bill urging the Supreme Court to overturn Obergefell v. Hodges, the case that legalized gay marriage across all 50 states.
That was a fine effort and one not limited to North Dakota, but the enemy of my enemy is not automatically my friend. Especially if they both worked at Lehman Brothers.
HCR 3020 could be considered unconstitutional; the First Amendment clearly states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.” Furthermore, one of the most influential Founding Fathers, Thomas Jefferson, wrote favorably of religious pluralism. In his autobiography, Jefferson recounts efforts to include an explicit effort to reference Jesus Christ within the Bill of Rights — which ultimately failed.
“The insertion was rejected by a great majority, in proof that they meant to comprehend, within the mantle of it’s [sic] protection, the Jew and the Gentile, the Christian and Mahometan, the Hindoo and infidel of every denomination,” Jefferson wrote in his 1821 autobiography.
They went with the compromise “Nature’s God”, which the people thought meant Jesus and the Masons thought meant math.
Both bills — which reflect a broader trend of Christian nationalism amongst conservative lawmakers — come from Rep. Nico Rios (R-Williston). The representative previously created an uproar over antisemitic comments he made on social media last week.
“Wonder if the CIA would help Trump overthrow and kick this Jew out of power in Mexico?” Rios said in a post last Sunday.
Once again, the Jewish Civil War explains this. Mexico is in thrall to the globalist GAE faction, while America is in thrall to the ZOG Zionist faction.
Rios is North Dakota’s first Hispanic legislator and… born & raised in Chicago. Still maintains close ties to Chicago per some accounts. I’ve already blogged on the ongoing significance of Chicago to the Zionist movement going back to Henrietta Mears… and as recently as today!
The Governor Of Illinois Is Trolling Donald Trump By Renaming The Great Lakes
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By Matt Stopera for Buzzfeed, 11 February 2025
I know Chicago isn’t the capital of Illinois but it might as well be. Same as California is a big place, no piece of which can escape being ruled by Los Angeles or San Francisco.
If you haven't checked Google Maps recently, then you are probably unaware that Google has officially changed the Gulf of Mexico to the "Gulf of America."
Changing longstanding names and dates to support one’s agenda of the moment, is a huge red flag being missed by the MAGA people. It’s a form of twisting reality via an exercise of willpower... a demonstration of godhood. Does anybody think Trump’s renaming of the Gulf is because he learned in grammar school that it wasn’t the most geographically accurate possible name, and swore an oath at age 10 to change it once he had the chance?
Well, the governor of Illinois had an important announcement regarding his own renaming of long-established geographical places… First off, Gov. Pritzker announced he would be renaming Lake Michigan to Lake Illinois.
Elect me for governor and I’ll change the name back to the indigenous “Lake Numb-Nuts”. And Lake Superior to the more accurate “Lake Yooper”, too. (Yooper being a term for Upper Michigan Peninsula residents).
That won’t make me a god, but I might qualify for Jesus’ court jester. There is no bad publicity!
In lieu of Trump wanting to "buy" Greenland, Gov. Pritzker also announced that Illinois would be annexing Green Bay, Wisconsin.
Pritzker’s sportsball team must not have done well this year.
And just when you thought he went too far, he says he has an announcement about the Mississippi River next week.
The river is coming out of the closet as a gender-fluid? Is it now the Manissippi?
While mildly humorous, this mockery is unprofessional & unimaginative. (His mockery, not mine.) One might wonder where the trash talk comes from, then one might recall that Chicago was singled out for martial law “to remove the criminal migrants, Chicago’s mayor and Gov. Pritzker”. For no reason at all, and in no particular order.
Let’s fisk the resolution. Only introduced thus far.
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Introduced by Representatives Rios, Christianson, Henderson, Holle, Hoverson, Morton, Nehring, VanWinkle, K. Anderson, J. Johnson… Senators Walen, Weston
A concurrent resolution urging North Dakota to acknowledge the Kingship of Jesus Christ.
WHEREAS, Christ said all power is given to me in heaven and in earth (Matthew, 28:18), not only spiritual, but civil, including over this great state; and
For once, the ree-king fact checkers are correct. That is unquestionably an establishment of religion. It’s not Christianity, either. Christ said straight-up that His kingdom is not of this world.
But the Ten Commandments indicate otherwise. That’s why we Christians need to start disavowing them. It’s not that they’re suddenly no longer canon, it’s that Satan’s minions intend to use them to drive a State-sized wedge between Christ and humanity. The more we uphold the New Covenant instead of the Dusty Old, the harder that effort will be.
If you don’t know what to do for God, then look at what the devil wants to do and thwart it. The guerrilla method of divine devotion!
WHEREAS, Christ is said to have received power, and glory, and a kingdom so that all people, tribes and tongues shall serve Him (Daniel 7:14), including this great state; and
The passage was Daniel describing a dream he had. Even by Dusty Old Covenant standards, that was neither a legal statement nor a command.
WHEREAS, the Father is said to give to Christ all nations and the utmost parts of the earth for His inheritance and possession, and, in response, people and their leaders are called to learn and receive instruction from Him (Psalms 2:8, 10), including those in this great state; and
“For His inheritance”, yes, but that inheritance hasn’t happened yet. I can offer you God’s Own Promise that when Jesus does inherit the planet, you will know.
That boldfaced is the imminent Noahide Heresy. All humanity will be bound under a pseudo-Mosaic “covenant” with a Talmudist-Pharisee priesthood. Obey Jesus’ proxies well enough, and you might be adopted into Heaven as a pet! You not having a soul, filthy Goyim, hence the “as a pet” clause.
WHEREAS, Christ is named the ruler of Kings on earth and the King of Kings and presented with crown and royal robe (Revelation 1:5, 17:14, 19:12-13, 16);
Prophecies regarding future events, don’t count as current events. Except the first horseman of the Apocalypse… I think that’s where we are on the calendar.
and WHEREAS, the founding fathers of this great state begin the constitution with the words, "We", the people of North Dakota, grateful to Almighty God, and, as expressed by Reverend R.C. Wiley during the First Constitutional Convention of North Dakota, we desire there shall be a recognition of Almighty God as the source of authority; of the Lord Jesus Christ as the rightful ruler of nations;
Who is that? The Internet has nothing about a “Rev. R.C. Wiley”. There is a C.R. Wiley alive today, a Calvinist in Northwestern USA, and that’s all I could find.
That North Dakota acknowledge the Kingship of Jesus Christ over all the world so that this great state may at last receive the great blessings of real liberty, well-ordered discipline, peace, and harmony; and
Textbook Zionism. “I will bless those who bless the Old Covenant that I replaced, and I will curse those who curse the murderers of My Son”. Something like that.
Everybody who knows why Netanyahu just gifted Trump a golden pager attached to an artistic rendition of an explosion, knows that blessing the ‘Chosen’ is the worst way possible to live in peace and safety. Peace and harmony, I mean. Whichever.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Secretary of State forward copies of this resolution to the President of the United States, the Governor, and each member of the North Dakota Congressional Delegation.
Why formally notify the POTUS? Speaking of that other “Jewish king”, Trump is currently trying to ban dissent against Jews AND dissent against Christianity. He can’t have it both ways. What Scripture says about the Jew is not flattering, and what Jews say about Jesus is also not flattering.
The obvious way for him to square that circle, is implementation of the Noahide Heresy. Rios & friends want North Dakota to be the first State to swap democracy for that curious mixture of Imperial Rome with Babylonian Talmud.
This resolution is all about a King of Nations, and nothing about a King of Kings who will call princelings like Rios to account. What a sweet little gig, eh? And what a perfect example of Social Justice, in which accusers seize authority they aren’t entitled to by claiming to be its defenders. It was obnoxious when white wimmin scolded us for being racist against black persons that she couldn’t name on a bet…
“Say his name! because I forget.”
“It was Floyd, madam.”
“I assumed your profession.”
…and it’s going to be catastrophic when the Jews benevolently rule over humanity because ((they snicker)) Jesus still isn’t alive enough to rule for Himself.
Man, I hate the rulers of this age. You should too, because not one of them is named Jesus Of Nazareth, and not one of them is looking forward to Jesus actually showing up.
"I assumed your profession." hehehe...
On a serious note: I have been telling people that the way to destroy The State is take the citizens away and add them to a New Kingdom, thereby robbing The State of it's power over people because they went from citizens who are owned by The State, with a duty to serve The State, to being Aliens in a strange land. I learned this from Jesus when he said his kingdom is NOT of this world - yet his kingdom IS (not merely metaphorical) a kingdom, and The State sees his kingdom as a rival. So trying to say that Jesus is king of the world's kingdoms is blasphemy and intended only to enslave. It is terribly vile.
Each thing that happens these days is more disturbing than the last.
Why formally notify the POTUS? Speaking of that other “Jewish king”, Trump is currently trying to ban dissent against Jews AND dissent against Christianity. He can’t have it both ways. What Scripture says about the Jew is not flattering, and what Jews say about Jesus is also not flattering.
The obvious way for him to square that circle, is implementation of the Noahide Heresy. Rios & friends want North Dakota to be the first State to swap democracy for that curious mixture of Imperial Rome with Babylonian Talmud.
i saw Trump saying ''WE'LL TAKE GAZA'' beside the King of Jordan on the news and you could tell Trump is a bought goy completely now(that Ivanka and Jared stuff has come full circle).
Charlton is probably right that Trump is going to get us in a ''protect the ''chosen people of God'' AKA the jews'' war soon.
Just Look how many ''redpillers'' claim they would go to jail or war or want to be ''on a government watchlist'' for Trump roaming around.
i thought that type of foolishness was over with W. in January '09 but, no it's still alive.