The tale of Microsoft’s rise to power always struck me as absurd. Bill Gates’ mother being in a position of influence to install her own son as a gatekeeper for the the young personal computing industry, sabotaging the opposition, and nobody noticed even the conflict of interest, and she somehow knew in advance how critically important computers would become, is very implausible. Either she had future-knowledge, or enjoyed one heck of a coincidence.
The key to my settling that question, was that Satan had already done that with television. Broadcast TV was hard-left from the beginning. All 3 of the Big 3 Networks were hardline Communist, how random, and the closer you looked the less random it got. Most of CIA’s mind control projects were focused on media and communications, not LSD.
We can go all the way back to the Tower of Babel. How did God thwart humanity from uniting under Satan’s rule? By fragmenting our communications.
The odd technology out is the printing press. That was not immediately monopolized by Satan. To the contrary, Gutenberg used it to make the Word of God available to the common man, an act so vile in Satan’s eyes that he incited Rome to create the Jesuit order to exterminate the reformation that Gutenberg’s invention led to.
(You Catholics have been lied to. Martin Luther was not the father of the Reformation. Gutenberg was. Likewise, Luther’s greatest sin was not opposing the pope’s finances. It was translating the Bible into common German. Protestantism could never have happened without the printing press, and it can only be stopped by mass illiteracy.)
Something about the written word does not lend itself to corruption and deceit. I believe it’s a combination of print’s permanence and the lack of emotional appeal.
Today, we have the advent of the AI chatbot. It’s obviously not AI. It is not sentient. It has no creativity or decision-making ability. The great advance it represents, is only the ability to pass a Turing Test.
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The test was introduced by Turing in his 1950 paper "Computing Machinery and Intelligence" while working at the University of Manchester. It opens with the words: "I propose to consider the question, 'Can machines think?'" Because "thinking" is difficult to define, Turing chooses to "replace the question by another, which is closely related to it and is expressed in relatively unambiguous words." Turing describes the new form of the problem in terms of a three-person game called the "imitation game", in which an interrogator asks questions of a man and a woman in another room in order to determine the correct sex of the two players.
“How do you feel?'“
Turing's new question is: "Are there imaginable digital computers which would do well in the imitation game?" This question, Turing believed, was one that could actually be answered. In the remainder of the paper, he argued against all the major objections to the proposition that "machines can think".
The conversation would be limited to a text-only channel, such as a computer keyboard and screen, so the result would not depend on the machine's ability to render words as speech. If the evaluator could not reliably tell the machine from the human, the machine would be said to have passed the test.
It was a fun thought experiment before Clown World arrived and demonstrated how our inability to tell the difference between a preprogrammed robot and a nationally recognized expert on CNN, says more about our wisdom than our intelligence.
Joking aside, that’s exactly why AI is such a big deal. It’s a communicator that can pass as human. Be omnipresent. Police human speech. Edit history, at least, the chunks of it on the Internet.
What have we seen it be used for? Falsifying paperwork. Imitating dead people. (Google’s Project Lazarus). Monitoring verbal & written thoughtcrimes. History blackwashing. Puppetry, that is, pretending to be a legitimate authority while remaining loyal & limited to its programming. All of those are diabolical agenda items.
Even the drive to create AI personal assistants a la Alexis and Siri, is being pushed by the same plutocrats who push microchips in your brain. I would greatly benefit from a reminder-bot hovering over my shoulder, but I wouldn’t trust it until Satan is thrown into the Pit.
Do they push those two technologies for the same reason?
Satan doesn’t want a sentient AI; he never cared to be worshiped by machines. He doesn’t want human-replacement AI, either, as if he plans to terraform Mars after our extinction. What Satan wants, more than anything, is the ability to whisper into every person’s mind, 24/7. He wants access to you and a little black book of your every dark secret, so he can deceive and blackmail you from here to Hell.
THAT, is what the current AI software can do. (When paired with high-speed, 5G wireless comms?) That, is why it’s been rolled out to the astonishment of humanity everywhere. Some of them fear their new master. Others embrace their new master. All of them accept that AI -is- their new master, despite every observation that it’s merely the glorified bastard of a calculator and a dictionary.
That’s the secret to AI’s hilariously overmarketed popularity: it is the new demon. The older model must overcome various natural & supernatural barriers before it can speak with you. Tech has no such barriers. It’s the same reason Satan wants microchips in your brain: full access.
Even in Eden, he could do nothing without access and a voice.
Chatbox-AI is sufficiently advanced to duplicate the work of demons. Perhaps not as dramatically, but certainly without any supernatural limits. We don’t know how many players are on Team Evil, but if it’s less than 6 billion or so, then they can’t even hope to corrupt us one-on-one. Our bodies insulate us from the spirit world, but smartphones are not spiritual.
Similarly, one wonders if the reason for the surveillance state, is because Satan isn’t free to spy on people. Particularly Christians under the Holy Spirit’s protection. None of us are sinless, of course, but that doesn’t mean Team Evil has automatic access to the details, and maybe there’s a manpower limit to how much of that info they can process. It would explain why Satan always focuses on & centralizes the halls of power, if he needs to get the most bang for his per-capita buck through the smallest .number of tunnels between realities as possible.
It explains why Satan’s minions are so enamored with chatbox-AIs, that they can whisper tailored lies to every individual on the planet while watching tirelessly for opportunities of subversion. Just like the voices inside their own heads.
You know, slight dogleg but I’ve always wondered about the lack of literacy in the Christian world before the printing press. The Jews had the same technical limitations of that time, but figured out a way for people to read the Bible more often it seems.
More on point I’ve often thought, maybe it’s fanciful, that AI would be the form of CS Lewis’ “materialist magician”. A program complex enough that we could deceive ourselves into thinking it’s sentient, but actually just a vessel for a demon.