Technically only facing excommunication, thus far, I suppose, but after what I found, I have “faith” that Pope Frankie’s flunkie will not decide, upon reflection, prayer and hearing from the accused, that Vigano is right and Frankie needs help down the stairs before it’s too late for all humanity.
No hyperbole.
Archbishop Vigano has been on borrowed time ever since he wrote that open letter to then-President Trump encouraging him to “cross the Rubicon”. I confess that I did too, at the time, and have grown up a little since then. Vigano has apparently not wasted any further effort on Trump after the latter let the cheaters win and abandoned his fans to them, either, so it’s all good. I like Viggy. Somewhere in the bowels of a privately owned Caribbean island, a bureaucrat is being slowly tortured to death for accidentally handing some reins of power to a real man of God.
So, when I read the announcement of schism charges against Vigano, my immediate thought was, “what did he do THIS TIME? Why now?”, fired up the Internet and rewound time by a couple months. My instant thought was all those snap elections that the EU just announced, in a defensive action against the Voters Who Enjoy Not Starving Party, but Vigano doesn’t seem involved in those politics. A smart move; he’s got his hands full with Roman politics.
This looked promising:
EXCLUSIVE: Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano Writes Preface to New Book “The Assassination of John F. Kennedy: The Final Analysis” and Includes the CIA Connection
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By Jim Hoft, 24 April 2024
Medical expert David W. Mantik, M.D., Ph.D. and best-selling author Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D., recently released The Assassination of John F. Kennedy: The Final Analysis (2024).
In this analysis the two experts validate the observations of the physicians at Parkland Hospital, who recognized immediately that the wound in JFK’s throat and the massive, avulsed blow-out in the back of his head both involved frontal shots. …
Foreword [by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, Former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America:
…This work by David W. Mantik and Jerome R. Corsi touches on specialized topics of great interest not only to historians. It presents very credible evidence that Kennedy was killed on the orders of the CIA and leads us to ask a fundamental question: Why did the Secret Service assassinate President Kennedy? History will be able to answer this question when new documents will be declassified and it will be possible to reconstruct the troubled and complex events of those years.
Here you go, Vigano. It’s actually relevant to your jihad against the Psychopandemic… I’ll have more as soon as I can catch up on my reading…
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…But Vigano didn’t reference any Jesuit connection, so I nixed that hypothesis.
Ooh, ooh, check out this speech he gave on Popo Pedo Frankie’s front doorstep! SPICY!
Archbishop Viganò: Globalist ‘extermination plan’ serves Satan’s goal to kill both body and soul
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14 May 2024
(LifeSiteNews) — The following is [a partial] text of a May 10 speech given by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò at the Auditorium Gavirate in Varese, Italy.
You have the devil as your father, and you want to fulfill your Father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning and did not persevere in the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he speaks falsely, he speaks of his own, for he is a liar and the father of lies. Jn 8:44
If that wasn’t Vigano speaking, then it was somebody in his True Family. Close enough for me!
One of the most immediate effects of the infernal and manipulative psychopandemic operation is the refusal of the masses to acknowledge that they have been the object of a colossal fraud.
Amen, Archbishop. It’s still freaking me out… probably because California S.T.I.L.L. has %$#*(@ing mask mandates. I got mask-shamed as recently as last fall. Thank God I don’t work in a school or nursing home.
Under the pretext of preventing the spread of a virus, presented as deadly and incurable – and which we now know has never been isolated according to Koch’s postulates – billions of people have been forced to undergo inoculation with an experimental drug that was known to be ineffective for its stated purpose. And in order to accomplish this, the authorities in charge have not hesitated to discredit existing treatments which would have made it impossible for that genetic serum to be authorized for sale.
Preach it! although I have major doubts about that “never isolated” claim.
These intentions, declared for decades on the basis of a grotesque falsification of reality, are embodied in a systematic action aimed at encouraging the depopulation of the planet through pandemics, famines, wars, clashes between different sections of the population, the impoverishment of the weaker classes, and the drastic reduction of those public services – including health and social security – that the State should guarantee to its citizens.
The Bill & Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health is one of the main architects of a population reduction plan that starts from the neo-Malthusian assumption that the Earth’s population must be drastically reduced, and that its food and energy resources must be the subject of interventions that favor this reduction. The declarations confirming this extermination plan are no longer even concealed…
If we do not situate the organization of the psychopandemic within the broader context of the criminal plan that conceived and designed it, we will preclude ourselves from the possibility not only of understanding that it was a premeditated crime, but also of seeing on what other fronts we are or will be the object of new attacks – all of which have the same ultimate goal, namely, the physical elimination of billions of people.
That is why I invite you to take the next step in this praiseworthy operation of truth and denunciation in which you are courageously committed…
…Take a forensic approach, so to speak, so that it it will be evident that there is a perfect coherence between the tools adopted and the results obtained, regardless of their stated aims; knowing that their true motivations, precisely because of their intrinsic desire to harm, had to be concealed and denied. Who would ever admit, before fraudulently imposing a mass genetic treatment, that its intended goal was to make a very large segment of the world’s population either sick, or sterile, or dead?
But if this is what the neo-Malthusian ideology aims to achieve; if there is evidence that the adverse effects of the serums have been maliciously concealed; if in the different batches there are substances that have no prophylactic justification but which, on the contrary, induce pathologies and allow tampering with human DNA, the logical conclusions cannot fail to highlight the criminal will behind the operation, and therefore the culpable complicity of public institutions, private entities, even the leaders of the Catholic Hierarchy, the media, the judiciary, the Police, the Armed Forces, and the entire medical class – except for very rare exceptions – in a mass extermination operation.
Ahh, so that’s why the leaders of the Catholic Hierarchy are accusing Vigano of “causing schism” a month later. Vigano publicly accused Pope Frankie of conspiracy to mass murder before, during and after the fact, and Frankie responded by accusing Vigano of undermining trust in Frankie while pretending Vigano didn’t say anything at all.
I think he’s gonna get excommunicated. I think he might feel honored when they do it.
And he named Bill Gates outright!
The question we must now ask ourselves – and that we must ask those who claim to govern us and impose on us rules and behaviors that directly affect our daily lives and our health – is not why serums have been imposed, even though they are demonstrably harmful and deadly, but rather why no organ of the State – whose ultimate goal ought to be the common good, and the health and well-being of its citizens – has put an end to this crime, but indeed has become an accomplice to it, going so far as to violate fundamental rights and trample on the Constitution. And once we understand the complicity of the Judiciary, the Parliament, the Government, and the Head of State, we must ask ourselves what the response of citizens – whom Article 1 of the Constitution recognizes as the sole holders of national sovereignty – can and should be in the face of a subversive act and a betrayal of those in power.
But in order to do this – you will have to acknowledge this, after four years – it is essential to understand that this criminal lobby acts for Evil, serves Evil, and pursues the death not only of the body but also of the soul of each one of us; that its emissaries are servants of Satan, devoted to the destruction of everything that even remotely resembles the perfect work of Creation, anything that refers to the generous and gratuitous act with which the Creator infuses Life. Satan is a murderer from the beginning (Jn 8:44), and those who serve him can do nothing other than desire death, whatever the means by which it is inflicted.
EVIL! Evilevilevil Vigano pointed out the existence of EVIL! How many times did I long to hear that word be admitted! Let me shame Harrison Buttlicker a second time:
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By making it to this moment through all the adversity thrown your way from COVID, I hope you learned the important lessons that suffering in this life is only temporary. As a group, you witnessed firsthand how bad leaders who don't stay in their lane can have a negative impact on society…
While COVID might have played a large role throughout your formative years, it is not unique. Bad policies and poor leadership have negatively impacted major life issues. Things like abortion, IVF, surrogacy, euthanasia, as well as a growing support for degenerate cultural values in media, all stem from the pervasiveness of disorder.
You didn’t say EVIL when I pointed it out, hotshot NFL celebrity. Maybe you can say it now that your highest priest who’s still worth his soul, did!
End segue
Pretending that we are dealing with vile merchants interested only in money and refusing to see the Satanic matrix of the globalist plan is an unforgivable mistake that none of us can make, if we really want to stop the threat looming over the whole of humanity. For this I assure you of my prayers and implore upon you the Blessing of God and the patronage of the Blessed Virgin, Salus Infirmorum.
+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop
That should be a meme.
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I wonder if the reason Vigano dipped his toe into the book-publishing world, was preparing to support himself after an excommunication that he knew was coming and refused to avoid. Many church leaders have self-supported by authoring books, and for once, a church leader might actually have something to say that could save a soul if only they heard it.
Then again, I just thought of a second theory, why Vigano might have an interest in a righteous Catholic in senior government, who ended up assassinated by a shadow government of homosexuals and Satanists.
Not all believers have the courage to think for themselves. That’s bad, but it’s also true regardless, and for them, leaders like Vigano are more worthy of the title “Vicar of Christ” than that pedophile pipsqueak in the four-wheeled rat cage.
Mark 6:18: For John had been saying to Herod, “It is not lawful for you to have your brother’s wife.”
Herod handled John's rebuke poorly. This seems like a similar situation. I wish for all our sakes we were dealing with someone as nice, gently and moral as Herod Antipas (relatively).
This speech by Vigano is spot on. A friend of mine whom I had seen years ago, early in the Plandemic, had confessed recently to me that he's now seen the evidence of this "neo-malthusian plot". He also confessed that when I first told him that he humored me and thought I was being nuts.
We are not citizens here.
I found out about pedophilia in the Church in the early '70's. Following that advice to know the tree by it's fruit, Pedophilia is the Catholic Churches highest mission. And yet nobody talks about it. How many times has your minister warned about pedophilia in the Catholic Church? Or talked about the government trafficking of children at the border? Or about how trans-ing is child abuse? (Has your minister even talked about the Genocide going on in Gaza? The tens of thousands of children murdered?)
I am not the greatest Bible scholar but I remember the part about harming a child and being better off tied to a millstone and drowned. The failures of mainstream churches to take actions to protect children, and even to turn a blind eye are why I refuse moral posturing and advise from religious bodies.
That said Archbishop Vigano is the real deal. A religious man I respect and pay attention to!