Babies come from husbands enjoying loyal, affectionate wives.
That may surprise a few people.
The Evopsychology crowd loves to point out that men are worthless because one man can impregnate a large number of women. Thus, if we put women in control of family life and reproduction decisions, the birth rate will go up!
It didn’t.
The bureaucrats think of children as slave labor. Whether society has kids depends on the economic incentives. Thus, paying people to breed will make the birth rate go up!
It didn’t. Not one single time in history.
Russia ordered its women to breed on-the-job with coworkers. Thus, the…
Wait, what?
Russia pushes sex-at-work scheme as population crisis escalates
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By Caitlin McFall for Fox News, 21 September 2024
The Kremlin’s top doctor this week encouraged all Russians to engage in a "sex-at-work" scheme in a move to back President Vladimir Putin’s attempts to counter a growing population crisis.
Oh… my… secretary…
Despite cash incentives, tax breaks, a nationwide push to discourage abortions and Putin’s years-long attempt to encourage procreation across the country, Russia saw its lowest birth rate in the last quarter-century for the first six months of 2024, reports said following UN findings on worldwide population rates.
Once again, money didn’t work. Once again, government officials refuse to order women to get back in the kitchen and serve her husband’s every appetite. They’ll die before they do, because the #1 contributing factor to weak centralized government, is loyal wives.
Women cannot have two masters. If Eve submits to Adam then she’ll never submit to State-an.
Let me guess: After the USSR’s collapse in the early 90s, feminism rolled into the East with a bitter battleaxe to grind.
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After having peaked at 148,689,000 in 1991, the population then decreased, falling to 142,737,196 by 2008. Russia has become increasingly reliant on immigration to maintain its population; 2021 had the highest net immigration since 1994…
In many of the years from 1843 to 1917, Russia had the highest total fertility rate in the world. These elevated fertility rates did not lead to population growth due to high mortality rate, the casualties of the Russian Revolution, the two world wars and to a lesser extent the political killings.
See what I mean? Russian men still had kids when war-inflicted poverty ravaged the land. Today, Russia is doing well by most metrics, but its women have been exposed to feminism and the birth rate has fallen.
Not a coincidence.
After decades in the shadows, Russia’s feminists grab their spotlight
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By Daniel Ofman & Indra Ekmanis, 5 June 2019
Russian feminists paraded a 13-foot-tall model v*ina down the streets of St. Petersburg on May 1, 2018, without getting arrested. It was a big win.
Forget arrest. God haste the day when they get sh*t for that.
There’s a generational shift happening when it comes to feminism in Russia. Millennials and Gen Zers are online — many read English and have been exposed to the fundamental reasoning behind the concept of men and women being born equal. And after decades of repression under the Soviet Union, feminist activism is reemerging in today’s Russia.
It’s really not safe for women to be on the Internet. The Cabal can easily put whispers of discontentment & envy in her head. Especially now that they can automate deceiving Eve with chatbot-AIs.
“Officially, after the [1917 Russian] Revolution, all women’s rights were achieved, so therefore according to the Soviet system, feminism as a movement had no need to exist,” Garina says.
But the ideal of gender equality as espoused in Marxist doctrine was far from reality. Though equality was touted in principle after the Communist revolution and women’s education and literacy rates rose, in practice, it looked quite different. Female participation in the labor force was not free of gender gaps and didn’t translate into equality in domestic duties.
How to keep women off the Internet? Hmm… female illiteracy… nah. One word, television.
Modern technology, man. I get the feeling that we’ve “advanced” to the point at which circumstances can no longer compel moral conduct. The temptations cannot be silenced. Ignorance cannot protect.
Example, the issue of porn. All us Christians agree that it’s evil, yes? Then how do we get rid of it? For most of human history, it was as simple as “don’t stash dirty magazines under your bed”. But now, anybody with an Internet connection is only a few seconds away from their favorite flavors at no cost. Not to mention the automated image generators.
Cuckservatives oppose porn by joining the devil’s Digital ID agenda, because it promises to alert them when a man takes a peek instead of waiting for his birthday like Good Christians(tm) do. Satan is wrong about a lot of stuff, but at least he wants to keep kids safe online!
My idea to oppose it, and it’s the one that works, is that wives must up her game enough that hubby can resist 24/7 opportunity. It’s not as hard as it sounds, it’s what she should be doing anyway, and coming back on topic, a wife prioritizing her husband’s sexual happiness sounds like a great way to up the birth rate.
What did God say? “Better to marry than to burn.” But that only works if she cares for him. It seems that governments across the entire planet will try anything except that.
Despite some strides (the Soviet space program had a woman cosmonaut decades before the US did), women were still largely expected to take on work in the home, care for children, and stand in long lines for food in addition to their “equal work” outside the home.
On the one hand, that also sounds like feminism. On the other hand, USSR was also the first to send dogs into space. Question: were female cosmonauts expected to push any buttons, not counting laundry?
*GunnerQ ducks*
As the USSR was crumbling, feminism began to resurface as a more active movement. But when the Soviet Union did collapse in 1991, women faced new challenges.
The new challenge of unsexy men!
“The next problem that women encountered was capitalism. Suddenly there was this new pressure where women became objectified,” Garina says. “This was not the case during the Soviet Union. This meant that women needed to look like super sexualized models in addition to doing all the housework.”
Doesn’t that sound familiar.
1991 let the Cabal in, after which for no reason at all, women stopped putting out. At that same time, the birth rate dropped. Correlation isn’t causation, except when it’s cause and effect.
End segue
Speaking during a Eurasian Women’s Forum on Wednesday, Putin encouraged women’s role in the workplace, but he also reiterated his push for higher birthrates.
And even Harvey Weinstein got his life wrecked by rape accusations.
"Proper conditions are being created for women to succeed professionally while remaining guardians of the hearth and lynchpins of large families with many children," he said, according to report by Newsweek.
How did Putin fail that badly at time management? And how did he not notice Western Civilization shipwrecking itself on exactly that?
Hello feminism in the halls of Russian power. “You can have it all, ladies! Fish/bicycle! Work harder!”
The Kremlin chief reportedly said that women can cope with the load of being both a career-woman and a mother because they "possess a secret that men are unable to fathom."
Women can’t fathom it, either:
When pressed by a female reporter about when women are supposed to find the time to manage a family, Russia’s Health minister Dr. Yevgeny Shestopalov said, "Being very busy at work is not a valid reason, but a lame excuse."
"There are people who work 12 to 14 hours – when do they make babies?" Shestopalov was asked, according to a report by Metro.
When he goes home and rogers the wife?
"You can engage in procreation during breaks," he replied before adding, "Life flies by too quickly."
Let’s imagine Mr. Shestopalov’s solution to the birth rate. A nerd is working 12-hour shifts in the server room. While he’s up to his elbows in cabling, his female boss walks in, rips her clothes off, gets down on all fours and says “I’m ovulating. Breed me!” What should the nerd do?
A. Boink her, then pay 18+ years of child support for a kid he’ll never see. Possible STD infection and if he’s already married, a divorce for cause.
B. Refuse, then get accused of rayyype as she protects her ego from his rejection.
C. Run in front of a security camera and beat himself unconscious with a hammer, so he can claim she never asked and she doesn’t dare to spermjack him.
D. Excuse himself outside for a moment to chug a flask of vodka and pray a good lawyer will be able to prove that she raped him while he was intoxicated. Then get fired for being intoxicated on the job.
E. Stall by negotiating payment until she leaves in disgust to write his next “performance evaluation”. And accuses him of rayyype.
Note carefully that “happy families” is not an option. We’re not even talking about husbands and wives at this point. We’re…
Dilbert is not how a society gets more babies.
One Russian Member of Parliament, Tatyana Butskaya, even encouraged employers to monitor the birth rates of their female staff members, reported Sky News Australia.
They already do, in the file “insurance liabilities”.
Babies come from men who can trust their wives to honor & obey. Babies do not come from men being allowed to have quickies with coworkers in a stairwell.
And what about what happens after fertilization? Humans are not reptiles. We don’t reproduce by tossing a pile of eggs in the corner of our cubicle and wishing them luck. Children without both a mother and a father, SUFFER BADLY, and it’s a credit to man-kind that most of us (that aren’t from Africa) will choke the chicken before we sire children doomed to that suffering.
There is no replacement for the loyal housewife. Money doesn’t work. Devaluing men doesn’t work. And re-tasking the breakroom for turkey-basting is more dehumanizing than a furry convention.
“Why aren’t you having kids for Mother Russia?”
“Because I can’t trust my wife to be loyal in my absence and she doesn’t want to put out anyway.”
“Fine, you can breed at work with the fertile women. But no rape, okay?”
That’s not a male dream come true. That’s an Aldous Huxley nightmare made flesh-pot. And a cosmic-sized “missing the obvious” to boot.
They know the evil they do. They are unrepentant.
Feral women are the devil’s footsoldiers. Our modern dystopia, on every side, will try anything except the only thing that works, because as much as Putin worries about the Russian birth rate, he’ll burn in Hell before he allows Russia’s families to reflect Christ.
The USSR (and Russia) has historically been even worse than the US in slaughtering the unborn. I hardly think a little workplace fornication is going to reverse that attitude.
Huh. I had actually developed some sympathy for Russia after hearing some of their policies. The last drop of that sympathy has now evaporated.
Once a Fckin' Communist, always a Fckin' Communist, I suppose. Pardon my French.