Now that the Republican Convention is over, I scan its highlights…
Trump’s close call in assassination attempt fuels talk he was ‘chosen’ by God
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By Drew Harwell, Michelle Boorstein and Josh Dawsey, 16 July 2024
Former president Donald Trump’s narrow escape from an assassin’s bullet has reinvigorated talk among some of his supporters that the thrice-married billionaire is a messiah figure, anointed by God to save a troubled nation.
Since the attack on Trump’s life during a campaign rally Saturday in Butler, Pa., left him bloodied but otherwise unharmed, some supporters in Congress and on social media have shared Bible scriptures and illustrations showing the Holy Ghost deflecting the bullet.
Sourced from social media, origin reportedly Lara Trump, RNC 2024 co-chair
What a twisted, Zionist image of God. All of God’s hopes and dreams, depending upon the continued welfare of a human, regardless of the human’s behavior, because only this-world success can possibly be important to the spirit world. We Christians are not so stupid. We know we’re ultimately disposable to God, so far as mortal life is concerned, and nobody who mocks God, fools God. Nobody is so su-su-su-speshul that God has no choice but to serve and protect them. What matters, always, is God’s agenda, not ours.
Coming up is an example of Zionist Scripture-twisting that even an American church-goer should be able to comprehend. So I hope, because I cannot simplify the hermeneutics beyond “they didn’t finish the sentence.”
Trump has never been particularly religious and rarely attends church or reads the Bible, people close to him say. But in recent days, several people in his orbit have said they were surprised how often he was raising the word “God.”
Church attendance is a poor barometer of Christian devotion these days, and one can make allowances for a near-death experience inspiring thoughts of God, but their prophecies are more specific.
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The source is as incredulous as me, that people on social media claim Trump’s recent ear injury was an anointing from God into into literal Messiah status.
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I have several immediate and extreme reactions to such claims:
There is only one Messiah. His name ain’t Donald.
The Mosaic Law is D.E.A.D. and has no modern relevance. It’s useful to understand, yes, until you understand how Christ Jesus is everything that Moses needed to be and wasn’t.
The Levitical priesthood was separate from political authority. There were no Levite judges or kings. Trump has already been a political authority and of course, is already not a Levite. Levites weren’t even allowed to own land, Mister Trump Towers.
Skinsuiting a dead prophecy in order to offer a false Christ, is Zionist-specific behavior that we Christians should become familiar with countering. Now that the Zionists are USA’s ascendant political masters.
The clear implication of this theory circulated at the Republican National Convention, is that the murderer’s shot was deflected by God Himself into an innocent bystander, to legitimize a new, not-eligible Messiah of a religion made obsolete by the previous Messiah.
Say, doesn’t “Mister” Crooks have some really long hair for a dude, in that photo? Here’s another picture of him sent by a reader:
“This quiet computer nerd had no social media presence or known political beliefs whatsoever” is beginning to transition out of the closet.
But I digress. Let’s crack a Bible.
Leviticus 8:22-24. He then presented the other ram, the ram for the ordination, and Aaron and his sons laid their hands on its head. Moses slaughtered the ram and took some of its blood and put it on the lobe of Aaron’s right ear, on the thumb of his right hand…
Okay. Trump did get some blood on his right hand, too.
…and on the big toe of his right foot.
Uh-oh. They didn’t finish the sentence.
Moses also brought Aaron’s sons forward and put some of the blood on the lobes of their right ears, on the thumbs of their right hands and on the big toes of their right feet. Then he splashed blood against the sides of the altar.
Trump’s big toe is fine, so this claim to divine ordination is more debunked than Snopes itself.
Leviticus 14:14-18 The priest is to take some of the blood of the guilt offering and put it on the lobe of the right ear of the one to be cleansed, on the thumb of their right hand and on the big toe of their right foot.
Big toe again. That ancient habit of wearing sandals takes on a new significance.
The priest shall then take some of the log of oil, pour it in the palm of his own left hand, dip his right forefinger into the oil in his palm, and with his finger sprinkle some of it before the Lord seven times. The priest is to put some of the oil remaining in his palm on the lobe of the right ear of the one to be cleansed, on the thumb of their right hand and on the big toe of their right foot, on top of the blood of the guilt offering. The rest of the oil in his palm the priest shall put on the head of the one to be cleansed and make atonement for them before the Lord.
This purification ritual wasn’t for the priest’s benefit, it was performed by the priest on a person who had 1. recovered from a skin disease, and 2. shaved his entire body bald the day before, per verse 9.
This “sacred ritual of the ear” begins to sound more opportunistic than staged. If there really were multiple shooters as is now being claimed, and the ear injury was just a Hollywood gel pack, why wouldn’t they fake a toe injury too? It wouldn’t have been much additional work.
Continuing with the Wapo article,
The idea of divine influence has surfaced at the Republican National Convention, where a bandaged and somber Trump was hailed before a raucous Milwaukee crowd Monday night. Some delegates and Trump aides already convinced that the former president would put the country on a righteous course said they saw that belief confirmed from on high on Saturday night.
Names! Give me the names of those Bible-twisters!
“I told him that last night,” Rep. Byron Donalds (R-Fla.), who was in Trump’s box at the convention, said at a Milwaukee town hall on Tuesday. “I said, Sir, the hand of God is on you.” Trump campaign spokeswoman Caroline Sunshine said Tuesday on Fox News that Trump survived thanks to “divine intervention” and, after calling the left “godless,” added, “It’s important to remember that good does defeat evil.”
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In an interview with JNS on Nov. 9, Donalds touted that the U.S. relationship with Israel “is the most important one in the region, probably the world.”
In the foreign-policy section on his campaign website, Donalds points to U.S. President Donald Trump’s “America First” agenda, which has consisted of fighting against so-called “endless wars” and putting America’s interests ahead of collective international interests, such as at international forums, including the United Nations.
However, support for Israel does not contradict the “America First” mantra, according to the incoming legislator.
While both America and Israel would put their own national interests ahead of others, “having a strong relationship with Israel is critical for our national security interests as well,” he said. “I mean, who are we going to share interests with? The Iranians?” he rhetorically asked. “That’s not working out very well.”
He expressed support for Trump’s pro-Israel policies, citing the moving of the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv, in addition to the U.S. withdrawal from the 2015 Iran nuclear deal.
“I didn’t like the deal to begin with,” he said, claiming that it “never gave” the United States “access to Iranian nuclear facilities,” and “it empowered Iran because we gave them a lot of money.”
People who say Trump didn’t involve USA in foreign wars, conveniently forget how hawkish Trump was against Iran. And still is.
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Before Trump took the stage Monday, singer Lee Greenwood said God had saved Trump’s life so he could be the next president.
Best known for his platinum single, “God Bless the USA”, which was used by Republican leadership since the Regan Administration. He’s on his farewell tour, reportedly. I found no connection to usual suspects beyond useful entertainment.
Trump, who has called the near miss a “miracle,” posted on his social network Truth Social the morning after the shooting, “It was God alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening. We will FEAR NOT, but instead remain resilient in our Faith and Defiant in the face of Wickedness.”
One should not say that when his spiritual advisor is the Bride of Cain.
Franklin Graham, the son of the evangelical icon Billy Graham who is scheduled to deliver a prayer at the convention Thursday night, told The Washington Post that “Trump came very close to having his brains spread over that platform but God, I believe, protected him.”
A direct link to the Illuminati.
Graham said he hoped the attempted assassination was a “wake-up call” for Trump and that the Bible is clear that “all authority is given from God.”
All authority, yes; all government, no. Looking at YOU,
Franklin Graham: “The Right Hand of God is upon GunnerQ for Governor of California!”
“Maybe that’s one reason God saved his life,” Graham added. “I hope Trump understands that it’s not about him making America great again, it’s God making America great again.”
I don’t get the American Exceptionalism thing. It is true that America was the most technologically accomplished nation that ever was, fine, but it is true no longer. Trump’s backers sneer in diabolical triumph, then wince at the memory of China rejecting them after they handed over America’s entire manufacturing base.
Is it part of the Puritan witch-hunting instinct? “We must be special somehow, otherwise we can’t persecute outsiders in self-righteous arrogance”? I don’t know. These days, El Salvador feels more exceptional than USA, just because the Jews lost control over them after they imprisoned all their murderers. And of course, it’s full of El Salvadorans who belong there. How unusual that has become.
Here? Murderers aren’t even required to post bail. They even get to be dual citizens.
Pastors on Sunday after the shooting and Christian users online also cited scripture as evidence that God had spared Trump. Far-right podcaster Jack Posobiec noted that the bullets were fired at 6:11 p.m. and referenced Ephesians 6:11, which calls on believers to “put on the full armor of God” and stand against the Devil’s schemes.
I did wonder about Thomas Choked spending a full half hour exposed on the rooftop, to line up a 140 yd. shot… hmm… hang on, the Jews never invoke the New Testament. The New Apostolic Reformation, aka Illuminati does.
Posobiec is Deep State; seven years in Naval Intelligence; which ended with a security clearance revocation in 2017, under Trump whom he helped to elect. Curious that he didn’t take his mentor’s lack of protection personally. Seeing as he’s still helping Trump.
He’s linked to NAR via association with Sean Feucht, a known agent, but my source for that is Huffington Post.
Others online referred to Exodus 29:20, in which God tells Moses to sanctify his brother as a priest by smearing blood on his right ear — the same one bloodied on Trump.
Exodus 29:20 Slaughter it, take some of its blood and put it on the lobes of the right ears of Aaron and his sons, on the thumbs of their right hands, and on the big toes of their right feet. Then splash blood against the sides of the altar.
Aw man, the stuff in Scripture that I never really noticed, because I never really cared, is coming back to haunt me. I was happier being ignorant about exactly why Mosaic priests were interested in liver lobes and blood splatters.
Feet commonly symbolize traveling, and as mentioned before, the Levitical priesthood had no assigned homeland. I can see it be stretched to include letting the ex-lepers out of confinement, but I really don’t understand the symbolism of a bloodied foot.
The Spiritual Meaning of the Big Toe: Unlock Its Secrets
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By Sophia Rose, 30 March 2024
Have you ever wondered about the spiritual significance of your big toe?
Not before last week, when it became a national security issue. F*king Clown World.
The big toe holds spiritual significance in toe reading and energy healing practices. It is believed to represent the head, brain, and mental abilities, reflecting thought processes, decision-making skills, and overall mental clarity. The shape and appearance of the big toe can provide insights into one’s personality, while focusing on it during meditation and yoga can promote grounding and spiritual connection…
Oops, wrong spirit. Next!
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What do you think is the significance of the placing of the sacrificial blood and oil in the Old Testament atonement? Such is stated in Leviticus 14:14: tip of the right ear, the thumb of his right hand, big toe of his right foot. -- Susan
I have wondered about this myself. How about this explanation: God wants his representative to be wholly consecrated to him. Ear, hand, and food entail a certain symbolism. God’s man or woman must LISTEN to his word, DO what he wills, and GO where he sends.
That’s probably the best explanation to be found. Although something feels…
…out of place…
'Let me get my shoes': Trump explains why he asked for footwear after assassination attempt
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By Julia Gomez, 15 July 2024
One person was killed and others were injured, including the former president and presumptive GOP nominee for the 2024 election, who said he had a bullet graze his right ear.
As he's being taken away, Trump can be heard asking for his shoes.
"Let me get my shoes,” repeated Trump as Secret Service agents shielded him and tried to walk him off the stage.
When agents got Trump to the ground, his shoes came off, reports the New York Post.
“The agents hit me so hard that my shoes fell off," Trump told the New York Post. "And my shoes are tight.”
Dayumn, that now sounds creepy as heck. Had he been intentionally calling attention to his feet? DID they try to fake a toe injury? I think not, because if the Zionists actually had gone so far as to put exploding gel packs in Trump’s right shoe, they would’ve worked and there would have been pre-drilled bullet holes in the stage floor made public by now. People commonly act irrationally in extremis, which was my initial reaction to Trump’s asking.
But still, creepy.
Now knowing what we do about big toes.
1) There WERE multiple shooters (I don't think that can be reasonably denied at this point).
1a) Going for the headshot is a rookie mistake - and I don't think the tranny was the one that fired first.
2) Trump was undoubtedly wearing those stupid loafers that people wear with suits - coming off easily is a side effect of "no laces".
3) Biden's withdrawal yesterday on the news included a mention of commitment to P25, but I don't if it's the same P25.
4) People have been making claims like this about Trump for years; now it's amplified to an extreme. How are people too stupid or blind to see that he's not a Messiah??
5) Does anyone other than me think that maybe God loved the guy that died? Your point about "deflected by God Himself into an innocent bystander" is right on point!
6) I had a guy at work tell me he thought this was some kind of miracle because Civil War would have begun if Trump has been killed. The guy is old enough to have been a working adult when the plandemic happened. He should know better.
7) I am so sick of commandeering Leviticus for one's absurd lies! I have to deal with this constantly with Christians everywhere he believe in Penal Substitutionary Atonement. Now it's the Trumpsters too?