1) There WERE multiple shooters (I don't think that can be reasonably denied at this point).

1a) Going for the headshot is a rookie mistake - and I don't think the tranny was the one that fired first.

2) Trump was undoubtedly wearing those stupid loafers that people wear with suits - coming off easily is a side effect of "no laces".

3) Biden's withdrawal yesterday on the news included a mention of commitment to P25, but I don't if it's the same P25.

4) People have been making claims like this about Trump for years; now it's amplified to an extreme. How are people too stupid or blind to see that he's not a Messiah??

5) Does anyone other than me think that maybe God loved the guy that died? Your point about "deflected by God Himself into an innocent bystander" is right on point!

6) I had a guy at work tell me he thought this was some kind of miracle because Civil War would have begun if Trump has been killed. The guy is old enough to have been a working adult when the plandemic happened. He should know better.

7) I am so sick of commandeering Leviticus for one's absurd lies! I have to deal with this constantly with Christians everywhere he believe in Penal Substitutionary Atonement. Now it's the Trumpsters too?

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A second shooter makes sense. Crooks was a pathetic choice of sniper, nobody would have trusted him to make the shot, and he made a good, highly visible patsy for a real sniper who didn't care to die that day.

Dunno about 3+ shooters, however. They couldn't all have missed.

"Going for the headshot is a rookie mistake"

Maybe not, if you know your target is wearing a top-quality vest and he's standing still for you? I hear Trump actually did take a round in the vest and walked it off. The shooter knew he had to either use a more powerful weapon than an AR, or go for the grape.

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And therein lies the rub. They wanted an assassination, but they always wanted a Walking Agenda Item to take the fall. That limits round choices to stuff that won't go through plate. A .300 Win Mag with Sierra Matchkings will go right through that plate (and that happens to be what the govt uses for it's upgraded sniper round). But... you couldn't very well blame that on the Walking Agenda Item.

I am convinced there was a second shooter. I've seen compelling evidence. The audio clearly shows two rifles. But, that ninth shot that sounded still different could have an explanation.

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