In case you haven't seen it, Mr. Wildblood has published a well-mannered and gentlemanly response to this diatribe. I humbly suggest you give it a read and reflect a little on this harangue of yours.

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I know edoteric Christian secrets, but I even give them away for free.

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Thanks Gunner, that was a thankless effort, but loving to do the work you did. Based on the excerpts you pasted, I would have said, "obvious bunk" and moved on and no one would have been bettered. At least Wildblood and Berger now get to have their strongholds worked on by Christians. Wait, hold on, I just got a call from a Master. "Yes, I can hear you but there's some static. You say that Wildblood and Berger should just use Scripture and that plenty on NT passages address this? Yes, I will pass it on. Something more? Okay, I'll tell them to stop listening to NPR and thinking their humble and well-mannered responses are fruits of the Spirit."

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(Sorry my comment is late. I wrote it two days ago. But it has taken me two days to get it posted.)

That sounds more like spiritual Multi-Level-Marketing than a proper religion.

Enoch 15:8 And now the giants who were begotten by the spirits and flesh—they will call them wicked spirits upon the earth, for their habitation will be on the earth. 9 The spirits which will come forth from the body of their flesh are wicked spirits; for they have come into being from humans, and the origins of their creation and the origins of their foundation are from the holy watchers. They will be wicked spirits on the earth, and wicked spirits they will be called. 10 As for spirits of the heavens, in the heavens is their habitation; but spirits begotten on the earth, on the earth is their habitation.

According to the cosmology of the book of Enoch, all the disembodied spirits here on earth are evil spirits that were once embodied in the giants that were born when the heavenly watchers were defiled by breeding with the daughters of men. Angelic beings have a body and a recognizable appearance. And the bodies and spirits of human sinners and saints are being kept by God, they're not here roaming around giving out advice.

Those who love God, keep His commandments. Loving God with their entire being and loving their neighbors as themselves. That's enough challenge already. There is no need to try contacting sketchy disembodied spirits for extra credit work. Those who refuse to be content with how God has revealed Himself through His creations and through His word, and go looking for something more, invariably wind up being led into error.

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Funny... because when I read 1st Enoch I learned that the Watchers themselves had sinned by begetting children with women. As though angelic beings had penises and human-compatible semen.

Also... 1st Enoch forgot to explain the Serpent in the Garden.

I enjoyed reading about heavenly portals though - it makes astronomy more fun when you finally know why the sun moves throughout the year!

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Gal 1:6-9

"I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel— 7 which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse!"

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