After 1500 years of edging itself by fooling otherwise smart, devout Christians into worshiping a slice of bread as if it were the Living God, the poor spirit of Antichrist just got so worked-up about its fellows making a mess of Protestantism that it couldn't hold back any longer.

I, for one, welcome this. Too many abused, worn-out Zoomer Prots like myself have gotten baited into walking back the Reformation by the Papists' venerable facade. Now they can know, there is no respite from the vapidity there. From here on, 'stablished clergy will not save us. This is Jungle-style, guerrilla warfare until the Captain returns.

Edit: Or until solar flares wipe the Cabal's Digital Dystopia clean and set us back to the bronze age. That would be a decent second.

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You give me hope in Zoomer Prots ,Mr. Contrast.

i've been enjoying your comments for the last 3 weeks or so.

Your name mainly reminds me of what Roissy=Heartiste said that how in ''Game'' ,''Constrast is King''

Like in the post of the same name from May 2010-

Contrast Is King

May 12th, 2010 by CH

Was sent this photo, with the following message:

“First I saw the two barking rats, then I saw the guy walking them. Talk about an odd pairing! The dude had tattoos on his skull, and looked tough. Not like the herb or homo I thought he would be. And there he is, with two runty toy dogs. One of the dogs walked like it had a cucumber up its ass.”

This is an excellent example of someone defying expectations. Does anyone doubt this dude gets laid like gangbusters? I bet his idea of a brothel is the local dog park. And he pays in cloyingly cute toy poodle dollars.

I’ve written before about how important contrast is to your game. Contrast, like its social dynamics cousins vulnerability game and being unpredictable, is a status signal of alphaness. When women see a man defy convention, or wantonly fuck around with societal expectation, they think “Oh, he must be an alpha, because only an alpha could risk stepping out of line like that.” Or when they hear a man reveal a potentially status damaging vulnerability at odds with his image of strength, they think “He must be really alpha to confess his fear of parrots.”

No, seriously, that’s the way women think. Subconsciously, at least.

Contrast game is also a variety of handicap game, a powerful technique for subcommunicating genetic superiority. Like bright, heavy plumage on a peacock, tattoos signal that a man is so genetically fit (and symmetrical) that he can afford the risk to his health and looks that getting inked with needles will mean for him. Skull tattoo dude in the above photo actually has a double handicap whammy advertising his alpha genetic fitness — he’s enduring both the disfigurement of tattoos *and* the public humiliation of walking two gay ass pooches. (I bet he’s telling the other dude to be careful where he steps.)

How powerful a psychological mindfux is contrast? Two words:

Susan Boyle.

That ugly broad got on stage and, in the teeth of a hostile, pitying audience, sang the $#it out of “I Dreamed A Dream”. Result? Standing ovation, tears flowing like a river, and eight million copies of her debut album sold in the first six weeks. For a more recent example of the contrast phenomenon, check out this video of Janey Cutler, the 80 year old singer who elicits the same reaction from an audience expecting something entirely different.

That, my friends, is the awesome power of contrast. Now imagine what it can do for your notch count.''

But as GBFM has shown for almost 15 years now,Contrast can make you a legend apart from gaming women or peacocking in front of other men on online forums{as too many Men have failed in but happily keep slandering,besmirching and denigrating those who they sense by pagehits are more blessed by God than themselves-in which they forget every MAN has his GOOD & Perfect gift from God(James 1:17)}.


i see a Great future in the sphere for you bro.

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I appreciate it. My username is derived from the first one I had online as a younger teen, which was just a silly pun. But it's still what I go by in most places.

But after digging into the Manosphere over the last couple of years (especially Cane Caldo, wish that dude was still writing), the 'contrast' part has really gotten more and more... if I were the kind to dare such assertions, I'd call it Providential. These days, when I think of my username, I think of Genesis 1:4 "And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness."

The Archenemy desires to reverse God's original work of Creation. He seeks this chiefly by annihilating all contrast between This and That — between Truth and Lies, between Man and Woman, between Saxon and Slav, Moor and Manchu. All shall be blended down into the formless, inchoate, undifferentiated nothingness from which the world was raised.

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