Respectfully, you have NO IDEA what actually happened at Abu G, nor Gitmo.

It wasn't "the Jews" nor any other such entity.

It was the CIA all. the. way.

The whole (and I quote from you) "the atrocities of Abu Ghraib"? Calling them 'atrocities' is like calling a schoolyard fight between a group of 1st Graders a "Brawl between two Gangs trying to kill each other." Talk about hyperbole.

And I know this for a fact. An absolute fact. I. was. there.

I worked for CACI from March of 2004 in Baghdad, until the end of the contract (after Rumsfeld "threw us under the bus" during his Senate testimony) in as I remember September 2005. Pretty good gig while I was there... and to call what happened there "torture" and "atrocities" is a farce. The fact is that the 'stuff' done to the majority of the 'bad players' there was HIGHLY OFFENSIVE and an anathema to the Muslims vis-a-vis social mores and religious issues. It BY FAR was NOT torture, and AS FAR AS I KNOW there was zero 'real torture'.

That being said with the codicil that the Company had it's own "black site" IN Abu G which consisted of a couple of buildings there and on Camp Liberty that NO ONE was allowed to go near AT ALL and that I personally have NO CLUE as to what went on there, nor DID I want to know... we had rumors of course... As far as the Nasty Guard and those two retards who ended up getting publically fried? The Guard took it's orders, AFTER HOURS from the Company. CACI didn't do shytte, and if you bother to READ the testimony, it was a subcontractor (Titan) who provided translation services for 'our guys' who were the Company's cutout.

As far as Gitmo? I was the Civilian Head of Detainee Operations for six months after got done with CACI. I initially went w/KBR, but found I hated working for them b/c of the way they pretty much enslaved the Third Country Nationals (TCNs) working for them. You want a story? THAT is one for the books, let me tell you... So anyways, After Abu G the military instituted a 'pairing program' which meant every. single. person. working at the JOC (joint operations center) at ALL detainee centers had to have a DotMil officer, and a Civilian to partner with to keep things 'straight.'

That whole 'desecration of the Koran' was agit-prop from one of the Lawyers for the Hajis who later was indicted for actively participating in the passing of messages and orders to Al Qaeda against ALL the rules, never mind common sense. It NEVER HAPPENED. The only reason that cunt didn't get charged with treason in time of war was they wanted it to go away quickly, and quietly. The majority of the Haj Lawyers were delusional asshole leftists with an ax to grind against the DotMil from what I saw.

So yeah...

Make of it what you will. I NEVER saw any "Mossad Agents" nor anything of the like... Nor any "Company Folks" mainly b/c they were invisible... we KNEW they were there, but we had NO IDEA who they were. In fact I only knew of ONE Jew on the entire team, and he was a 26 year old American, who's dad was in the Diplomatic Corps, and he was raised in Jordan/Syria/Lebanon, and had a flair for languages.

That's what -I- saw on the ground, at BOTH places...

The funniest thing about it, is Man, I literally had a front-row seat to some SERIOUS History, and even participated in it, sort of like how Forrest Gump did... wild shit looking back at it 20 year later, indeed.

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It's good to hear from a guy on the ground. Thank you!

CACI was not at fault. I even pointed out they tried to prevent Stephanowicz's deployment; the end-run he did around them, reeks of using CACI for political cover. So does that politically-timed megabucks civil suit.

I believe you it was the CIA. I don't believe there's a meaningful difference between CIA and Israel. We even see in my post, a West Pointer openly working with a Zionist cheerleader.

"I NEVER saw any "Mossad Agents" nor anything of the like"

I found three and named them. Two made Aliyah and the third is sweating this very minute, about Hegseth being put under oath to testify about their shared past, holding a report about Hegseth's financial (mis)conduct. <i>Those financial accusations alone demonstrate that Hegseth is vulnerable to blackmail. He should not be confirmed for SecDef.</i>

Oh. They hadn't had a falling-out after all. Hegseth had been <i>promoted</i> by Senor & Singer after his VFF days! Maybe in the world of Babylonian secret societies, part of the promotion process is a crime gets invented against you, to make you vulnerable to blackmail and thus, controllable. No way did Lehman Brothers 2.0 allow a half-million dollars to go missing on CEO Hegseth's watch without their implicit approval. Hence them doing nothing after that independent audit provided "the impartial proof".

We agree the Koran Flush was fake. I already pointed out how it was mechanically impossible to be true... but then you admit Islam was mocked at Abu G, so the idea that it wasn't mocked at Gitmo at the same time, under the same political & military leadership... and possibly while Hegseth was there... becomes less credible.

Insufferable though they be, sometimes those blind monkey Leftist lawyers find a banana. I still remember the Iraq-relevant matter of yellowcake uranium. Republicans will lie to us as swiftly, smoothly, and compulsively as any Deep Throat wannabe.

"Calling them 'atrocities' is like calling a schoolyard fight... Talk about hyperbole."

Maybe atrocities was not the right word, but you can't have both "nothing happened" and "it was the CIA". Ditto "I didn't see anything" and "we weren't allowed inside that one building". If the crimes were fake then why was the coverup real?

"[The stuff done] was HIGHLY OFFENSIVE and an anathema to the Muslims vis-a-vis social mores and religious issues."

Forcing subjects to violate their closely held beliefs is a primary tactic of thought reform aka brainwashing. A comparable instance was Marxists forcing Christians to practice Communion/Eucharist with piss and excrement instead of bread & wine, at Pitesti Prison among other locations. Me being Christian, I would consider that an atrocity even though it wouldn't damage my body.

Ditto forcing men to wear womens' clothing and engage in homosexual posturing. That's not an interrogation tactic, that's a "break down their human identity" humiliation tactic.

The CIA was reprogramming those inmates for future service. If they used drugs as part of the process then what you saw was Mk-ULTRA in real life.

That could be why the coverup was real. They were manufacturing windup toys out of subjects known to be trusted by Hezbollah & Iran.

Truly, thank you for posting. It cleared up a couple matters.

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If you stacked naked dudes on in each other you deserve a painful death.

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The Koran should be situated such that urine from the sewer pipes continually falls upon it. Koran flushing doesn't bother me. But the Jewish gay stuff does; stacking naked men on top of each other is gay Jewish sh't and anyone involved in that should be burned alive and then their ashes dropped out a plane over Tel Aviv.

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I have no respect for Islam either, but Christ's standing order is to live in peace with all men if possible. There's a difference between rejecting Islam and tormenting Muslims.

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"Jesus answered, “My kingdom [a]is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, then My servants would be fighting so that I would not be handed over to the Jews; but as it is, My kingdom is not [b]of this realm.”" - John 18:6

Get over it and follow Christ. Live a life of holiness, separate yourself from the filth of this world rather than taking a side.

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My main reading lately has been your archives on androsphere and Dr. Charlton. One of the hardest parts of this curriculum is internalizing the fact that Islam is not nearly as big a deal as I was raised to believe, in the grand scheme of things.

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