I begin with a map, and close with the secret of Elon Musk’s purpose in life.
Technocracy, Inc. and the Technate of America
h ttps://bostonraremaps.com/inventory/technocracy-inc-technate-of-america-1940/
Well, huh. A hundred-year-old “Technate” consisting of USA combined with Canada, Greenland and Mexico down past Panama. Just like our current government wants to achieve, without explaining why. At least this map still says “Gulf of Mexico”.
The map envisions much of the Americas and eastern Pacific basin as merged into a single “Technate of America”, to be ruled by a technically skilled, empirically-driven, non-partisan elite. The Technate is shown stretching from Greenland west to the International Date Line and south to encompass the Caribbean and parts of Columbia, Venezuela and the Guyanas. Its territory is colored red—the semi-official color of the Technocracy movement, also seen on its logo—and small, circular symbols indicate “Defense Bases” at its outer boundaries, as far afield as Attu; Pago Pago; Cape Farewell, Newfoundland; and Georgetown, Guyana.
The Technocracy movement had its brief heyday in the 1930s, its leading proponent engineer Howard Scott (1890-1970) and his Technocracy Incorporated, founded in 1933. The movement was ideologically somewhat diverse and fractious, but Scott’s version was fueled by the Great Depression and the crisis of capitalism, quack economics, post-First-World-War isolationism, and an infatuation with Fascist form and ritual.
Too soon, Hegelian synthesis. We were still Christian men.
At the core of its ideology was a rejection of the “price system” underlying the global economy... Technocracy Inc.’s prescriptive program had economic, political and geopolitical elements. At the core was a shift from the price system to what Scott called “an energy theory of value”, in which goods and services were to be valued based not on money but in terms of the energy inputs required to produce them.
That’s just repackaged socialism. Note the total absence of a profit motivation. Repackaged, in the sense that machines will do the production instead of men in Siberian labor camps.
I once watched a good youTube clip discussing the pitfalls of automation generally and the failure of Elon Musk’s fully automated Tesla factory in particular. The author said that humans were, simultaneously, the least effective and most adaptable unit of any factory process. There is nothing a man can do, that a machine cannot do better; but when something goes wrong, the man can correct for that much better than any machine.
It is clear that the Cabal believes modern AI to be an ‘Endgame’ technology, but I really wonder how much of that is wishful thinking. I understand AI’s utility in surveillance, deception and data mining… a few false positives will mean nothing to a group intending to decimate humanity regardless… but it simply isn’t a man-in-a-can, and it never will be.
This in turn would necessitate the abandonment of democracy and the embrace of a technocracy—government by an unelected, technically skilled, empirically-driven elite with the expertise necessary to determine values and make rational resource-allocation decisions.
And who is better to make such decisions, than a pencil-necked nerd who figured out how the world works by being told in an Ivy League classroom?
1.Build a big, beautiful office building. Hang a picture of Dear Leader on the front.
2.Staff it ONLY with sycophants who did well on a test.
3.Categorically reject the opinions, experiences, beliefs, histories, cultures and wisdom of the entire rest of humanity over the entirety of recorded history, because “best practices”.
4. Be worshipped by the little brown peasants whose minds you poisoned and forcibly miscegenated into believing you are a god. You see all. You know all! Thy Will Be Done Upon the Earth! You are the Illuminated One!
5.Have a complete mental breakdown when a drunk driver takes out the local power substation, and with it, your mojo.
The outward manifestations of this authoritarian outlook had a distinctly Fascist flavor: Technocracy Inc. members wore a uniform of double-breasted suit, gray shirt, and blue tie, with the red Technocracy logo worn on the lapel; drove gray-painted cars; and saluted one another in public.
Well, that’s something to look for. Hopefully the salute is a little less energetic than Musk’s recent outrage. Hmm… *checks* He did wear a blue tie, but also a white shirt and no lapel pin.
Let’s learn more.
h ttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technocracy_movement
In a publication from 1938 Technocracy Inc. the main organization made the following statement in defining their proposal: “Technocracy is the science of social engineering…
Blah blah me right because me smart, you stupid because you trust me.
“The Technate will encompass the entire American Continent from Panama to the North Pole because the natural resources and the natural boundary of this area make it an independent, self-sustaining geographical unit.”
I originally figured the reason to seize Greenland was for all the geothermal power, to energize the Stargate AI project in a geographically remote location. I wasn’t wrong but didn’t have the whole picture.
Technate-forming might explain a couple things I’ve seen over the years. I found an ECOWAS-6 organization while investigating the Nation of Hawaii, intending to unite various African nations under a charter that read very much like the U.S. Constitution but without the Bill of Rights. I had wondered who would be dumb enough to reinvent USA in the Congo. It had to be cover for something… laundering foreign aid?… but reading this, y’know, maybe the Freemasons drank their own Kool-Aid.
It comes as no surprise that this purely deterministic, politics-free, !science!-backed Technocracy Inc. quickly sprouted artistic differences.
The faction-ridden Continental Committee on Technocracy collapsed in October 1936. However, Technocracy Incorporated continued.
On October 7, 1940, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police arrested members of Technocracy Incorporated, charging them with belonging to an illegal organization. One of the arrested was Joshua Norman Haldeman, a Regina chiropractor, former director of Technocracy Incorporated, and the maternal grandfather of Elon Musk.
What… a… Cohencidence, that Musk is building the Technocratic Empire that his grandfather was an early director of. And how convenient that he became the richest man in the world so he could!
I hate, HATE when that happens! I already tried to research Musk’s history! I knew his background had to be important! All I found was his father’s gem mines, and the interesting fact that Errol Musk didn’t own the mines, he only owned the output of the mines. South Africa has a lot of Freemasonry, too. But nothing else.
And now, years later, I get handed the answer without even looking for it… and look at it! We could have predicted Trump 2.0’s every move with that knowledge. Why can’t I find this stuff when I first look for it? This isn’t even the first time that’s happened. I spent years trying to learn who Nimrod was. Every inquiry into Babylonian religion only returned stuff like Marduk and crop rotation, so off-topic that I could tell I was being given false trails.
When I say the supernatural involves itself in the world to this day, we just can’t see it, I am thinking of suspiciously freak incidents like that.
From Wikipedia,
Joshua Norman Haldeman (November 25, 1902 – January 13, 1974) was an American-born Canadian-South African chiropractor, aviator, and politician. He became involved in Canadian politics, backing the Technocracy movement, before moving to South Africa in 1950.
The Canadians outlawed his Technocracy on the pretext of it being pro-Adolf (it wasn’t) along with the Ukrainian Farmer-Labor Temple Association (unlikely). Charges were filed but no verdicts announced. In 1945 he joined the Social Credit party’s effort against PM Mackenzie King and lost.
Meanwhile, the Freemasons were ascendant in South Africa. Haldeman moved there to support apartheid.
Starting in 1952, he spent a decade searching for the Lost City Of Kalahari with his family in a small prop plane. I doubt he spent a decade verifying the rumor of a P.T. Barnum crony writing under a pseudonym, but have no alternative.
On the one hand, the conspiracy going on is now clear: the North American Technate. On the other hand, the conspiracy we’re offered is impossible. Elon Musk “just happened” to become the richest man on Earth and proceed to make his grandfather’s Marxist dreams come true? A grandfather that died when Elon was 2 years old? No, that’s just what we are supposed to see to see.
h ttps://web.archive.org/web/20231007124423/https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2023/09/joshua-haldeman-elon-musk-grandfather-apartheid-antisemitism/675396/
Technocracy as an idea came into public view in one of the most politically perilous moments of 20th-century American history: the four months between Franklin D. Roosevelt’s election as president in November 1932 and his taking office in March 1933. The Bonus Army (thousands of World War I veterans demanding benefits) had been violently rousted from its occupation of Washington only months before; the machinations of the Business Plot (an abortive scheme to overthrow FDR) were only months away. Herbert Hoover had been defeated soundly at the polls, but he would spend his last few months in office trying to sabotage what would become the New Deal. Some Americans craved a strongman to take control.
Into that maelstrom came [the founder of Technocracy] named Howard Scott.
That iteration of Technocracy may have been either a coup attempt or FDR’s New Deal capstone, but either way, it failed. I don’t know how it got legs in Canada of all places… oh wait… the Technocracy map requires Canada to join USA. Anyway, Scott started Technocracy in 1919, it was defunct by 1921, he rebooted it in 1932 at Columbia University, and it splintered in January 1933. (Scott retained control of one splinter, and super-bankster ((Harold Loeb)) controlled the other. Sounds like fallout from a hostile takeover.)
The idea has been rebooted again and again because the Rockefellers have been pushing it. For proof, Rockefeller crony Zbigniew Brzezinski at the same Columbia University picked up the idea in his book Between two ages; America's role in the technetronic era published in 1970. Of course it was Standard Oil who dreamed up replacing the gold standard with an oil standard, aka “energy standard”. We’ve been doing the petrodollar thing for awhile. It’s not doing well anymore.
Brzezinski called for a “Technetronic Revolution”, the “Third Revolution” to follow the Industrial Revolution. Klaus Schwab renamed it the Fourth Industrial Revolution, so I wonder if they’ve tried a global coup four times already and failed. A success of theirs is turning China into the world’s first Technate. Social Credit is openly a thing there now, recall, and this explains the massive transfer of American manufacturing to China in the wake of the Great Leap Forward… David Rockefeller was building their new government.
That doesn’t square with USA being currently hostile against China, however. The recent-years tech sanctions were real blows.
I suspect that the current appeal of an American Technate is that the American Petrodollar Empire is clearly dying. The Kazarians are prepared to die on the hill of Stephen Bandera, but other factions are not. Theory: the Rockefeller technocrats made alliance with the Zionists in return for Zionist support evicting the entrenched Globalist faction. The Rockefellers get their self-contained American Technate to rule, on condition that they continue serving as Israel’s self-funding war golem. That would explain much of current events.
Meanwhile, Elon Musk is, as long suspected, merely the most convincing Freemason to be the face of Technocracy’s puppet-leader. We are meant to think he’s either a genius-out-of-nowhere, or if we look closer at his background, to think he’s completing his granddaddy’s dream… a trail leading us to FDR instead of JDR. Musk is misdirection from Rockefeller’s Trilateral Commission, as it public-privatizes the District of Columbia out of Globalist-Jew control.
Trilateral Commission: 2023 is Year 1 of New World Order
h ttps://www.armstrongeconomics.com/international-news/great-reset/trilateral-commission-2023-is-year-1-of-new-world-order/
By Martin Armstrong, 28 August 2023
In leaked notes from a conference held earlier in the year, one speaker has declared that 2023 is year 1 of the New World Order. “Three decades of globalization — defined as integrated, free-market based and deflationary — has been replaced by what will be a multidecade period of globalization defined as fragmented, not-free-market-based but industrial-policy based and structurally inflationary. This year, 2023, is Year One of this new global order.”
The referenced conference was in March 2023 in New Delhi. I don’t know what prompted that declaration but the !science!-managed Covid Plandemic is a good guess. Biden announced in January 2023 that he would end the state of emergency on May 2023.
Why HIM, though? Was he always being primed for this, or was it pure coincidence? I find it difficult to believe that they'd spend 30+ years priming him for this specific confluence of events.
Elon warns against the Stargste program though.