Not that this needs to be said to anyone here, but "Jews are God's chosen people" is a despicable linguistic sleight-of-hand. HEBREWS were Yahweh's people. All 12 tribes of 'em. Then they threw His favor in the dirt, took a fat dump on it, and went to have giant orgies with other nations' gods, so he gave the northern kingdom the divorce papers and tossed 'em to the savage hordes of lusty Assyrian troops.
"And yet for all this her treacherous sister Judah hath not turned unto me with her whole heart, but feignedly, saith YAHWEH." (Jer. 3:10)
Eschatologically, I do believe that God will eventually restore the Hebrews to some kind of favor. But until the Eschaton actually happens, any Jew who hasn't accepted Christ — whether Talmudist or Humanist — is not a friend of Christians.
Off-topic, I've been meaning to ask what resources you would recommend to start learning physiognomy?
A good start is "Amazing Face Reading: An Illustrated Encyclopedia for Reading Faces" by Marc Fulfer. It doesn't give a systematic approach, but it does an excellent job covering the basics, is well-illustrated and the author finishes with a couple example analyses. I kept going back to it.
China developed face-reading more than anybody else, but Mao's Great Leap Forward nearly obliterated the knowledge. Even so, most of what I found & liked online came from Chinese sources.
I'm trying to find a link to a website that gave the only systematic approach that I respected, but it's buried somewhere in my offline archives. Still working on it.
Avoid anything written by a former FBI agent, it'll just be a money grab. I swear, their every insight into criminal psychology came from either looking in a mirror or partying with inmates.
Thanks. To be a fly on the wall of some of the Chinese face-readers when Meow the Dung was first coming to power...
Pivot back to the original post, I have understood 'Yahweh' to be the natural third-person form of the thing He says to Moses 'I Am that I Am'. It also seemed to get a confirmation with the Lachish Letters. 'Yehowah', from what I could tell, was the scholars getting confused by the Talmudist Rabbis trying to obfuscate the Name because of their silly superstitions. Unless I'm still a few layers down in the psyop and I'm not thinking big enough.
It could be true that Yahweh is more accurate, it's all Greek to me, but the Talmudists had much less influence over Christians during the time we used Jehovah.
The Yahweh fans have yet to give me a reason for the change. I don't like "for no reason at all". I've already caught them renaming Jesus for Yeshua, who is the fallen angel credited with writing the Kabbalah.
Not that this needs to be said to anyone here, but "Jews are God's chosen people" is a despicable linguistic sleight-of-hand. HEBREWS were Yahweh's people. All 12 tribes of 'em. Then they threw His favor in the dirt, took a fat dump on it, and went to have giant orgies with other nations' gods, so he gave the northern kingdom the divorce papers and tossed 'em to the savage hordes of lusty Assyrian troops.
"And yet for all this her treacherous sister Judah hath not turned unto me with her whole heart, but feignedly, saith YAHWEH." (Jer. 3:10)
Eschatologically, I do believe that God will eventually restore the Hebrews to some kind of favor. But until the Eschaton actually happens, any Jew who hasn't accepted Christ — whether Talmudist or Humanist — is not a friend of Christians.
Off-topic, I've been meaning to ask what resources you would recommend to start learning physiognomy?
A good start is "Amazing Face Reading: An Illustrated Encyclopedia for Reading Faces" by Marc Fulfer. It doesn't give a systematic approach, but it does an excellent job covering the basics, is well-illustrated and the author finishes with a couple example analyses. I kept going back to it.
China developed face-reading more than anybody else, but Mao's Great Leap Forward nearly obliterated the knowledge. Even so, most of what I found & liked online came from Chinese sources.
I'm trying to find a link to a website that gave the only systematic approach that I respected, but it's buried somewhere in my offline archives. Still working on it.
Avoid anything written by a former FBI agent, it'll just be a money grab. I swear, their every insight into criminal psychology came from either looking in a mirror or partying with inmates.
Thanks. To be a fly on the wall of some of the Chinese face-readers when Meow the Dung was first coming to power...
Pivot back to the original post, I have understood 'Yahweh' to be the natural third-person form of the thing He says to Moses 'I Am that I Am'. It also seemed to get a confirmation with the Lachish Letters. 'Yehowah', from what I could tell, was the scholars getting confused by the Talmudist Rabbis trying to obfuscate the Name because of their silly superstitions. Unless I'm still a few layers down in the psyop and I'm not thinking big enough.
It could be true that Yahweh is more accurate, it's all Greek to me, but the Talmudists had much less influence over Christians during the time we used Jehovah.
The Yahweh fans have yet to give me a reason for the change. I don't like "for no reason at all". I've already caught them renaming Jesus for Yeshua, who is the fallen angel credited with writing the Kabbalah.
Incredibly disturbing... how fat that Iranian Terrorist Squirrel was!
Sadly, it seems every time I turn around there's another counterfeit Christianity. Trump sure knows how to pick 'em.