Paul Dohse of the blog Paul's Passing Thoughts has written extensively on how the New Calvinist movement turned "biblical counseling" into a divorce mill. He claims pastors find men who disagree with their sermons and then convince the wife they need marriage counselling, all with a purpose of making him look bad and convincing her to divorce him. Thus they get the discerning man out of their church, but keep his money via the woman's alimoney. Paul Dohse claims Jay Adams was good (from what I remember, I read this stuff years back) but things were hijacked as Calvinists took over the biblical counseling movement and warped it to their purposes. (This is not an endorsement of Paul Dohse's soteriology, which I find to be essentially incoherent.)

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That explains a lot, actually.

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Reading Steve Viars' story explains why so many pastors are walking away from the pulpit. Even not knowing anything else about the man, to see him made a sacrificial lamb in order to keep 1) a woman and 2) a corrupt institution happy makes me realize what an unacceptable hazrd-filled occupation "pastor" has become. Get on the wrong side of the wrong people, and your career and life can be destroyed in an instance.

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