The recent attempted assassination of Trump was odd for several reasons.
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More specifically, the Secret Service didn’t seem to care if the world saw them helping the assassin. It was done so openly that spectators were practically taking selfies with the perp. And the timing? Two days before Trump picked his VP? I would have expected an attempt to happen either before the last weekend until the convention… what if he cancelled that last, little rally?… or afterwards, when his successor would be a known factor.
The timing suggests the Republican leadership did it, to rouse the proles and give Biden dirty laundry just in time for their big meet, but it’s not their style. None of BOM’s R-rivals have the spine, forget twigs & berries, to play .223 caliber hardball.
They don’t have the spine to keep a campaign promise.
Team Biden didn’t plan it. They’ve settled into a strategy of “poison pill”ing Trump’s next administration, partly because they no longer have a viable candidate even in the incumbent. I still expect an October Surprise that could moot the election at the last moment, meanwhile blowing Trump won’t put Kamala in the Whore House.
Trump didn’t plan it. He doesn’t need any theatrics to win the November Selection, and nobody would trust a sharpshooter to inflict a nonlethal headshot. “Just a little off the ear,” no.
And it wasn’t “stochastic terrorism” either. Even if social media’s heated rhetoric had been the perp’s motivation, how did he know that the rooftop of the Secret Service’s command center only 150 yards away, would be available and a 20-ft-tall ladder placed beforehand? How could he have known that the SS’ reaction to “sniper on the roof” alarms, would be “enjoy the show”?
So, the timing was wrong for an attempt on Trump and none of his rivals were in position to gain advantage had he been killed.
So, what if the assassination attempt wasn’t about Trump at all?
This is Clown World. We know that our visible leaders are the puppets of our invisible, true leaders. Trump is just another such puppet. No, he was not elected on a wave of populism. Trump’s backers in the halls of power were the Zionists… both Israeli nationalists and American ‘Christian Nationalists’, aka Illuminati. That’s how he was able to push through his 2016 campaign: his Tribal friends, not We the People.
We are not in the halls of power. Nobody there represents, or even cares, about us. If they were lesser actors, they’d be smiling in pain during photo ops.
So then, let’s see what the think tanks & oh-so-generous donors are chatting about.
A conservative leading the pro-Trump Project 2025 suggests there will be a new American Revolution
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By Ali Swenson, 3 July 2024
NEW YORK (AP) — The leader of a conservative think tank orchestrating plans for a massive overhaul of the federal government in the event of a Republican presidential win said that the country is in the midst of a “second American Revolution” that will be bloodless “if the left allows it to be.”
Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts made the comments Tuesday on Steve Bannon’s “War Room” podcast, adding that Republicans are “in the process of taking this country back.”
Democrats are “apoplectic right now” because the right is winning, Roberts told former U.S. Rep. Dave Brat, one of the podcast’s guest hosts as Bannon is serving a four-month prison term. “And so I come full circle on this response and just want to encourage you with some substance that we are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.”
The Biden Regime ain’t the only people using incendiary rhetoric!
It seems like Project 2025 is everywhere. But what is it?
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By Franco Ordoñez, 11 July 2024
Former President Donald Trump wants to distance himself from Project 2025 [after Kevin Robert’s call for revolution], while the Biden campaign is doing everything it can to tie Trump to the conservative plan to transform the American government.
“I know nothing about Project 2025,” Trump wrote on his social media website Truth Social. “I have no idea who is behind it. I disagree with some of the things they’re saying and some of the things they’re saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal. Anything they do, I wish them luck, but I have nothing to do with them.”
That’s a bit disingenuous, Donald. Most of your former staffers are P25-aligned. Aren’t you curious about your opposition?
It’s not Trump’s plan, but it is a plan made for Trump, who leaders have described as the “embodiment” of their efforts. And it outlines legal pathways Trump could take to implement some of his biggest policy goals.
P25 is not specific to Trump. In fact, Trump has his own, competing Agenda 47, an equally voluminous roadmap to Executive Branch Fantasyland.
Hmm. Competing agenda.
Project 2025 also outlines transition and recruitment plans to help ensure Trump does not repeat some of the mistakes made early in his first administration when his team was caught unprepared to staff and take over the government from the outgoing Obama administration.
“If we learned anything from President Trump's 2016 presidential transition effort, it wasn't as smooth as others,” said Ryan Williams, who worked for Mitt Romney on his 2012 presidential campaign. “Usually, presidential campaigns have fully functioning transition operations ready to go.”
While Trump has sought to deny a connection, there is plenty of overlap between Project 2025 and his agenda… mass deportations of millions of undocumented immigrants… cuts to the federal agencies like the Department of Education (Project 2025 calls for its elimination)...
But, there are also differences.
On abortion, for example, Project 2025 goes farther with restrictions than Trump has said he would go.
More importantly, per my quick review, Project 2025 intends to eliminate Congress as a potential speedbump to Progress, an idea that NPR did not object to, but it indicates a new militancy coming from the Right. Trump’s Agenda 47 ambitions remain within the existing Fed framework, much like Trump himself during his entire first administration.
Agenda 47 is unique to Trump, but Project 2025 was written to be neutral regarding exactly whose butt ends up in the Oval Orifice. Both are Zionist agendas, which threw me a little, but one of them is what Trump clearly agreed to while the other, although seemingly compatible, is what he clearly rejected.
Trump blasted the plan last week, days after the president of the Heritage Foundation, Kevin Roberts, warned of the potential for political violence.
“We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be,” Roberts said on the conservative podcast The War Room.
2 July: Roberts’ declaration of revolution.
approx. 10 July: Trump disavows Roberts’ organization & agenda.
13 July: An attempt on Trump “spills blood”.
15 July: National convention calls for sweeping changes? It’s ongoing as I write.
P25 and its backers, are a Trump-supporting organization that doesn’t really care if Trump, specifically, ends up being their candidate. Meanwhile, what would certainly help their agenda for radical change, is if people were convinced of that need by watching the Secret Service try to assassinate Trump in broad daylight and get away with it.
If Trump dies, then Agenda 47 dies with him.
If Trump survives, then he is likely to be more open to P25’s radical changes than he was on Friday.
Team Biden gets all the blame by default, because they’ve been publicly whining about Trump being alive for months.
And the perps knew they’d be protected, because the whole point of the incident was to show the perps being protected. Less the useful idiot, of course. Does anybody think the Victoria Nuland clone running the SS, might punish whoever let BOM take a bullet?
It was not a plot to kill Trump. It was a plot to kill the more-moderate, rival Agenda 47. The incident perfectly fits P25’s Narrative of violent revolution.
But NPR didn’t answer its own question. What Is Project 2025?
Better to say, you probably missed their answer, as they intended. Requote:
Project 2025 also outlines transition and recruitment plans to help ensure Trump does not repeat some of the mistakes made early in his first administration when his team was caught unprepared to staff and take over the government from the outgoing Obama administration.
The Dance of the Lemons has long been a fixture of FedGov. When the D-Team gets elected, the R-Team’s managerials retreat into think tanks, academia and other sinecures until the pendulum swings back and the D-Team retreats into its between-administrations lairs. Puppet leaders come and go, but woe to him who brings in outside talent! Those think tanks are trampolines, not hammocks!
Project 2025 is the latest of many efforts, some by the same Heritage Foundation, to make “bringing back the Team” quick, easy and certain. Today, the Managerial R-Team has been in the wilderness for four years, arguably 16. When the potato inevitably loses in a couple months, it’ll be their turn once again. So, they got together and made a very tidy, one-stop agenda to step back into the power seats.
Unfortunately, Trump the hated heir apparent, has his own agenda. It doesn’t matter if A47’s goals are similar to P25’s. What does matter, is that A47’s people are not P25’s. Purpose be damned, the bureaucracy must go on!
And this time, the R-Team knows it’s America’s last Presidential selection cycle, so they have this one chance to not just win, but entrench forever. Which Trump’s A47 will not permit.
The R-Team can’t afford to lose this election cycle. Not even to an ally. So, they let themselves be filmed trying to assassinate him, to radicalize the Right while pinning blame on the Left, at no risk to themselves.
We dissidents aren’t the only ones seeing trouble coming and looking for a safe harbor. Although we might be less murderous in its pursuit.
Thomas Crooks was a Talmud student at B'nai Abraham Chabad, and his parents are low-level psychologists at the local Med-MIC. That means the reason Trump nearly ate a bullet, is simply because he took a hardline side in the ongoing Jewish Civil War.
A couple weeks prior, Trump promised to purge the American college system of "Gaza Protestors", aka Secular Jews, in return for the political support of the Zionist Adelson faction. That would freeze the Seculars out of the government service academies... a fatal blow to their political power.
The timing now suggests that Trump also reneged on a promise of who his VP would be, and the treachery was found out at the last moment. J.D. Vance is a worthless human being and openly disloyal to white America, being married to a Hindi, but he's full Zionist and Peter Thiel's puppet.
This doesn't change my overall reasoning, that the assassination was endgame factional infighting not Trump Derangement; but the rival factions are better named Kiev and Tel Aviv.
Every. Single. Time.
''We dissidents aren’t the only ones seeing trouble coming and looking for a safe harbor.
Although we might be less murderous in its pursuit.''
You know both Derek and i are brah 😉😎😊😁